Twins, Aquarius & Libra: How to take a air sign

The zodiac sign twins, Aquarius and Libra are air signs. What they all have in common is their open, curious way and their pronounced sense of freedom. They cannot be restricted. Therefore, right at the beginning of an encounter, you should expect that the introductory phase could last longer with a air sign.

Aquarius, twins and scales: these are their perfect matches

They are not exactly happy to make decisions. But that's not due to you and you. You just can't commit yourself so well. But they not only show the behavior in love, but in all areas of life.

If you are currently dating a twin, a Aquarius or a scale, you should continue reading now. We'll tell you how you can win the heart of the three air signs.

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The Aquarius is looking for inspiration

Behind the Aquarius is an exciting personality with many facets. That should be aware of this at the beginning of the introduction. A Aquarius already has his idiosyncrasies. At a moment he likes to be among people, wants the exchange and is happy to be inspired. And the next moment he withdraws and wants to be alone. It is important to give him this time and not to prevent him from. Because then it is gone faster than you can see.

The air sign basically attracts people who have a stir and admire him for his charisma. Watermen are considered intellectual and think extremely innovative. So they impress many. Your belief in good and your positivity are remarkable. It is not uncommon for people who are exactly the opposite because they may find themselves attractive. But Aquarius can be far too well alone to do a relationship in which he is not happy.

It is really not easy to crack a Aquarius. But here too the motto applies, being understanding and bringing patience. It may always be that he spontaneously canceled you for a meeting and writes a short message to you, in which he tells you that he will take part in a social project in South Africa at short notice and is now on the road for six weeks.

But that has nothing to do with the fact that he is still not interested in you. If he didn't have that, he just wouldn't report anymore. He is simply busy and does not bend - not even for great love. And that's a good thing. If you do not get along with it, a relationship makes no sense. And let yourself be said, then you will not be happy with a Aquarius.

The zodiac sign has a pronounced social streak and is very helpful. You can impress him by supporting him in his social projects and showing serious interest in his goals and ideas, even if these are probably not uncommon. He wants to inspire and inspire himself. If you always show him new possibilities and let him pull whenever he needs it, he will no longer let you out of his life.

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The twins need variety

Twins have some young people in themselves that they also preserve in old age. They are curious, cosmopolitan and life -affirming. Your partner should be similar. With hardly any zodiac sign, it is so important that you do not marry as with the twins. If you feel pressured or restricted, make you close.

If you want to conquer a twin, you should be open and at best also communicative. You should also bring a lot of understanding. Because twins can be pretty bold. You constantly change your opinion. A partner who is entitled to is generally good for them. But at the beginning you would rather put them off if you open them your opinion. Always remember, at a later point in time you can still consult them and keep them from hasty actions.

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In addition, you should never cling. A twin does not accept that. If you are in the dating phase, don't get in touch too often. It is also important to accept that most twins do not have a lot of time left. They are constantly on the go, at events or they do something with friends. It would only put them under pressure if you stress them too much. The twin then thinks "Okay, if you want to do something together so often, how will that be in a relationship?"

Sure, especially if you are already fire and flame yourself, you would like to see the others all the time. But the twins would be the completely wrong way. So hold back better and signal the twin that you are much busy yourself. The air sign likes that the most. The twin wishes someone who is interested in his life, too many questions are for a no-go. If you find the right mix, it is fire and flame.

The scales are looking for an understanding partner

The scale is a relationship man. She needs closeness and wants togetherness. At the same time, it is also a air sign and needs freedom. You shouldn't be a scale either. Nevertheless, it is probably of all three, the air sign that is most closely accepted and needed.

On the one hand, a scale is open and enterprising. On the other hand, she is sensitive and is looking for the exchange with her partner. If something has happened again at work, which bothers her, she would like to tell her partner. So you shouldn't be annoyed if she tells you about her day. On the contrary, she also likes to listen and interest you. Communication, like all air signs, is very important to her, but especially in a partnership.

The scales are considered to be conflict. But you have to differentiate here. You can discuss with her and you will. Because she has a pronounced sense of justice and does not hold back if something happens unjust. A dispute in which you do not diverge in the good and cannot clarify the problem is one of your horror ideas. People who simply withdraw after a discussion and prefer to sweep the whole thing under the table are not their thing. You should always be aware of that.

The scale can also be pretty vain. One or the other compliment does not harm if you are interested. At the beginning everyone shows their best side. With the scale, however, you can be sure that it attaches importance to how you appear on a date. So consider what you want to wear before a date. She will notice that you have thought.

Click through the gallery to find out which zodiac signs are particularly faithful:

Something important at the end:Of course, every person is an individual and not always everything that says astrology. So let's take them better than guideline and advisor, not as an irrefutable truth. Ultimately, it is up to you what you make from star constellations, typical zodiac character traits and predictions.