“Saving” resolution: If you follow these 3 simple tips, you will build up your emergency fund

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Do you finally want to save an emergency fund? We'll give you three brilliant expert tips to help you reach your savings goal faster.

Do you already have resolutions for 2025? Personally, I (like many others) resolve to save more every year. However, this is always easier said than done. Sometimes saving works better and sometimes it works worse.

But what is really important is the emergency fund. You should make sure that you always have a certain amount on hand so that you don't get into financial trouble if something arises.

Experts fromPayPalgave us three tips to help you save your emergency fund more quickly.

1. Saving tip:Avoid impulse purchases

Impulse purchases are the ultimate savings killer. Even if you find something online or in store that really appeals to you, you shouldn't buy it straight away.

Before you make any purchase, ask yourself: “Do I really need this?” or “Don’t I already have a top like this?”

By asking these or similar questions you can avoid bad investments. Personally, I have found that I have been saving money every month since I avoided impulse purchases.

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2. Saving tip: Clever budget planning

Plan your investments and write down what you need to buy and how much it will cost you. It's best to plan every item that you can already foresee at the beginning of the month and also note when exactly the purchase is due.

The sooner you think about what you need, the more time you have to compare offers and find bargains. If you go to the store with a specific goal, it will be easier for you to follow tip 1.

Once you have created an expense overview, you can sort your expenses into areas. For example, in existential costs, such as rent or food and expenses that affect your free time. Budget pots for every area of ​​your everyday life are practical at this point.

So you set an amount for each area that you are not allowed to exceed. This will help you limit your spending.

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3. Saving tip: Keep an overview

The second point flows seamlessly into another important tip that you should definitely take to heart: You should always keep an overview of your finances. This is the only way you can always keep an eye on your long-term goals.

For example, put a household book (It's super cheap here on Amazon)*. Here you can precisely document income and expenses.

My tip at the end:Personally, I swear by the free financial app “Finanzguru”. All your monthly expenses are recorded there and you always have a perfect overview. This also makes it much easier to find unnecessary money-wasters, which helps immensely with saving.
