Are you interested in a mini job? Then you should definitely know this earnings limit so that you do not have to pay taxes.
Mini jobs are popular because there are no taxes with minor employment. But is that really that easy? Mini -jobbers also have to adhere to certain things so that their job remains tax -free.
You can find out here which prerequisites must be met so that your mini job remains a minor employment and do not apply any taxes.
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Minijob: When will taxes be due?
Mini jobs are particularly interesting for all those who want to earn something. This includes, for example, students, pensioners or people who want to pursue a further job in addition to a main job to improve their salary.
In the case of a mini job, there is basically no taxes because you do not have to pay into health, nursing or unemployment insurance. However, a mini job is only a minor employment if you are monthlyno more than556 euros a month earnings (as of March 2025).
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There are jobs that have more need for workers in certain months in terms of seasonal and there are varying salaries. For example, this can be the case in an ice cream parlor that adapts its opening times in the winter months. In such a case, it can happen that from June to September you can also earn more than 556 euros. In the other months, on the other hand, you stay below the 556 euro service limit.
In this case too, there is a clear earnings limit, which, however, refers to the entire year. If you earn more than 6,672 euros a year, it is no longer a minor job and taxes are therefore incurred.
You should keep an eye on this annual earnings limit if you get a different salary every month.
Reading tip:
Does the earnings limit depend on my hourly wage?
In principle, your hourly wage is not influenced by the monthly earnings limit. The wages will be specified individually by your employer. However, the minimum wage is also entitled to you in a mini job. This has been 12.82 euros per hour since January 1, 2025.
This corresponds to 10 hours of working hours a week with a minor employment. Since not every month has four weeks, you assume 43.3 working hours a month, which you can work with a minimum wage to stay below the mini job border.