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How much do you actually have to earn net in Germany to belong to the middle class? Here's the answer.
Whether in politics, in the media or among friends and acquaintances - people are constantly talking about the “middle class”. Without knowing a precise definition, most employees would probably consider themselves to be in this group.
In 2019, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD for short, defined that the middle class has 75 to 200 percent of median income.
Whether you belong to the so-called middle depends on your net income. But how much do you have to earn to belong to the middle class?
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With this net salary you belong to the middle
The results of various studies and definitions of the middle class sometimes differ significantly. LoudStatesmanyou have to earn 27,416 euros to belong to the middle class.That would be around 2285 euros net per month.The results refer to data from the Fraunhofer Institute from 2023.
TheInstitute of German Economy(iW) in turn defines employees who have a net salary between1496 euros and 2804 eurosrefer to, as middle class. The iW also differentiateshigh-income middle.To belong to this group, the net income must be between2805 euros and 4673 euroslay.
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However, the net salary depends on various factors. The industry, company size, professional experience and place of residence all play a role in the amount. TheFederal Statistical Officeoffers a free salary calculator that you can use to compare your own salary with the average.
You can read more about income and salaries here:
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