Kiss me baby: How a kiss can promote health

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Get fit by kissing? How many calories does a kiss burn?

You can find out here what great side effects a kiss has and how many calories you burn.

Kissing is fun. Even better: kisses can promote health. We'll tell you what's behind a kiss.

July 6th is celebrated worldwide as International Kiss Day. Time to take a closer look at the fun for two. Why do we like kissing so much and why is a kiss really healthy? We'll tell you why you should celebrate your affection with a kiss more often.

Kissing is healthy

Kissing is not only fun, but also healthy. We have suspected that this is the case for a long time. Why would such a sign of affection be bad for our bodies? But what exactly does a kiss do to us and how many calories can you burn with a kiss?

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A passionate kiss can trigger some reactions in the body. Among other things, the heart rate increases, the pulse increases and even the body temperature can rise. The increased heart rate even stimulates metabolism and blood circulation. We also use over 30 facial muscles when kissing. A real fitness workout for the face.

Kissing has a generally positive effect on health and well-being. The intimate exchange of caress helps to reduce stress by releasing more happiness hormones such as serotonin and endorphins through kissing.

A passionate kiss also intensifies the bond between two people. The reason for this is the cuddle hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin strengthens the bond between people and is particularly produced and released when kissing. So it's no wonder that a kiss can awaken passion for even more togetherness.

Kissing can even have a positive effect on your dental health. The kiss stimulates the production of saliva, which contains, among other things, calcium and phosphorus. Absorbed into the tooth enamel, it makes it even harder and more resistant to tooth decay. However, you shouldn't miss out on brushing your teeth!

Even the exchange of bacteria that occurs when kissing is beneficial. Saliva contains up to 22,000 different types of bacteria. A kiss acts like a kind of “oral vaccination” because it sends impulses to form antibodies and defenses.

Kissing as fitness training? How many calories do you burn while kissing?

Those who kiss a lot feel better and are happier. At least when it comes to real and passionate kisses. The facial muscles do the rest because they are working at full speed at this time. Over 30 facial muscles are involved in a passionate kiss. And where muscles are involved, calories are also burned.

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Anyone who thinks that kissing replaces fitness training will unfortunately have to be disappointed. Even if a kiss increases your heart rate and burns calories, unfortunately there aren't that many. A “normal” kiss burns around 12 calories per minute, while a “passionate” French kiss burns up to 20 calories (depending on your physical condition). That's not a lot, but it's impressive when it comes to the calorie balance.

So, boys and girls, we think you should kiss a lot more. Not just for health reasons, but also because it's just incredibly fun!