With the help of a Yoni egg, the female pelvic floor is to be strengthened and sensitized. What about the spiritual way of love? And what should you pay attention to when using?
Table of contents
- Sex toy for more pleasure: the Yoni e-e-e-egg
- How do you wear the Yoni egg in practice?
- When can you wear a Yoni egg?
- Possible risks of the Yoni egg
Yoni(Sanskrit योनि) In German means something like origin. Most certainly know the term from the field of tantra massage. In tantra, the term yoni is used for female genitals, the male penis in turn as a lingam.
That means vulva, vagina and uterus are part of the female yoni. LoudWikipediaHowever, the term also has further interpretations: source, origin, resting place, container, place of residence, loophole, nest. And that actually sounds very nice, isn't it?
Sex toy for more pleasure: the Yoni e-e-e-egg
There are even sex toys who are named after the Yoni. For example Yoni eggs. These are mostly small eggs made of stone, often made of jade, but they are also available as amethyst, obsidian and rose quartz.
This little toy should be perfect to strengthen the muscles and of course there is also the spiritual factor. Because Yoni Mapping is not just about strengthening pelvic floor & Co, but above all about gaining more mindfulness for his body.
Because it should make sure that we become more sensitive over time and that we can feel more into our sexuality. The Yoni e-e-egg should also ensure that our vagina becomes more sensitive to touch and stimulation.
The small egg should make the nerve ends of the vagina more sensitive. In addition, the muscles tries to keep the Yoni Egg, which trains the PC muscle (pubic bone muscle). And it is not only good against incontinence, but also for your orgasms.
Training with the Yoni egg is about fine, conscious sensations that we as a woman learn again. So we feel more than unity with our body and can also feel more pleasure during sex with the partner. Because often we pay too little attention to the signals of our body and know too little about our own lust and how we can increase it. All of this should cause the little healing stone in egg shape.
Incidentally, the Yoni e-egg is not an invention of modern times. Even the Chinese emperors are said to have used the small, smooth stone over 5000 years ago to keep their love power even with progressive age and keep their pelvic floor muscles fit.
All of this should cause the Yoni egg:
-> It should train and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles
-> It supports you in retrofitting gymnastics if you have received a child by training the strongly stretched tissue
-> It should ensure stronger orgasms
-> It ensures a strong pelvic floor, which also helps against incontinence
-> It should relieve symptoms during menstruation
-> It strengthens your sexuality by sensitizing you to sensations in the vagina
-> It also strengthens your femininity and the feeling for your body
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Purchase tip:Yoni eggs from rose quartz for your PC muscle training in three sizes in the set can be found, for exampleHere online at Amazon.* This Yoni egg at a price of approx. 30 euros (shipping free) have an extra return band. You can also find Yoni eggs in the sex shop.
Beginners start with the larger sizes. If the muscles are better trained, you can also try to keep smaller yoni eggs.
How do you wear the Yoni egg in practice?
If you want to test a Yoni egg, you should take your time and calm. You can first insert the small, round stone into your Yoni with the thicker side, like a classic love ball. It is best to just lie down on your back with lightly opened legs. Take the time to feel the time the ball feels in you.
You can also do exercises with the toy. For example, for strengthening your orgasm muscle alias PC muscle you can tense the muscle by inhaling. When you exhale, you relax again. Tense the PC muscle consciously when inhaling and relax again while you exhale.
Another exercise to help your pelvic floor on the leaps: carry the ball inside you while walking through your apartment and feel the movement with every step. Your muscles are activated at the moment because you have to hold the small egg. The ball also wear more braver outside of your own four walls.
Tipp:Do not wear the egg for too long, if possible. Ten to 20 minutes of training are the guideline.
When can you wear a Yoni egg?
During training at home:
If you want to train your pelvic floor, you can do this with light exercises at home or by wearing the Yoni egg on the way. Your muscles are particularly challenged here. And even with gentle yoga, you can use the small egg for certain exercises.
After the birth of regression gymnastics:
When a woman born a child in a natural way, the tissue is extremely stretched. To tighten and strengthen the tissue again, you can also wear a Yoni egg. From when this is medically justifiable, you should clarify with your doctor. For example, definitely not around the puerperium.
During menstruation against complaints:
Caution. Here you shouldn't wear the egg too long, otherwise it could block the natural discharge. And of course you should then clean the EGG all the more thoroughly.
During sex:
The Yoni egg should make you more sensitive and more receptive to orgasms. You can do that alone in training, but also during sex with the partner or partner. However, you should be familiar with the small EGG and proceed carefully.
For example, if it is too carelessly penetrated, it can be quite uncomfortable for both. Homosexual couples can also incorporate the Yoni egg into their sex life, e.g. by moving the egg with her fingers.
Possible risks of the Yoni egg
Nevertheless, there are also mistakes and risks for women wearing little stone eggs. Because as smooth as the surface of jade and rose quartz looks, ultimately bacteria and germs can be on it. And that can be as dangerous as tampons that you wear too long.
Nobody needs the so-called toxic shock syndrome. So please never wear too long and always clean well. Special cleaners or warm water and care are sufficient.
Second problem: The little Yoni eggs do not always have a return thread, which can ensure that you can no longer bring them back without any problems. They cannot slide too deep, but they could not be easily affordable. It is best to make sure that the stones have a small hole through which you can pull a band. So you are on the safe side.
Experienced Yoni-eis carriers can press the stone egg forward with the power of their pelvic floor. Important: If the stones are too heavy, the muscles of the vagina can tense. For this reason, too, please do not wear too long, please.
Classic love balls have the advantage here that they are made of easily cleaning silicone and also always have a return loop that can easily remove it. However, the spiritual idea of the healing stone is of course eliminated with the love balls. Because the small yoni eggs are supposed to charge female energy and balance the female hormonal balance. However, neither is scientifically proven.
If you still want to get the somewhat different kind of body experience, you should get a Yoni egg and test it for yourself. And whether with Yoni-eis or without: a conscious feeling for your body is the way to fulfilling sexuality. Ultimately, it is the most important thing about sex that you feel in peace with your body and your sensations.