Your dreams can not only tell you a lot about you, but also about your partnership. Do you know these typical dream symbols that can indicate that it crises in a relationship?
Sometimes we wake up and from now on we can no longer remember what we just dreamed of. But there are also dreams that spirited us through our heads the next day and from which we cannot make ourselves an rhyme.
Anyone who is a little familiar with dream interpretation knows that in our dreams we process many things that concern us in everyday life. But sometimes our dreams are also important indications of what is going on in our subconscious. Things that we are not even aware of. And then it will be exciting.
It is important to know that they are not always obvious scenarios that are reproduced by our subconscious. A dream cannot simply be interpreted 1: 1. Rather, it is mostly symbols that at first glance can confuse, but which can indicate hidden fears, longings or problems.
Find out here which symbols symbolize in the dream interpretation that there are problems in your relationship.
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This is how you interpret the motif of boats or ships
In our dreams, boats and ships can reflect the tides of a relationship. For example, a sinking or capsizing ship can indicate an upcoming separation, while a boot that is dumpling in the relationship.
If the ship heads for a storm in a dream or has to fight with a lot of headwind, this can be an indication that the relationship is on shaky legs. We often ignore the first signs that the relationship does not (anymore) work. These dream messages, conveyed by the subconscious, can therefore point out inconsistencies in the partnership before they become obvious.
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This is how you interpret the motif dog
A sweet fur ball is supposed to be a warning sign for relationship problems in the dream? Yes, but it depends on how the dog looks and/or how it behaves.
A sickly or injured dog can indicate, for example, that the relationship needs more attention and that you may have neglected your partner* - or you feel neglected.
If the dog appears angry in the dream, looks threatening, barking or biting after you, your subconscious may want to tell you that the relationship is not well. But not every dog in a dream is a bad omen. A friendly waving four -legged friend symbolizes a healthy partnership.
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This is how you interpret the motif cat
Cats often symbolize sexual energy in a relationship in a dream. With this animal, too, it depends on the constitution in which the cat is in and how it behaves.
A sick or injured cat may point out in a dream that your sex life is not doing well. If the cat behaves aggressively, the sex is currently not satisfactory or is not good for you in any way.
This is how you interpret the motif of car trips
If you dream of being in the car with your partner or your partner, you should pay attention to who is driving. Because according to your subconscious, this person is the driving force in your relationship and has the tax in hand.
Suddenly you can no longer brake or lose control of the car, there is probably an important problem in your relationship that needs to be tackled.
But the car is not always in a dream. If you are on the spot or do not start the car, this signals that your relationship stagnates and you see no progress.
Book tip on the topic:"10,000 dreams: dream symbols and their meaning from A to Z" by Pamela Ball is an extensive lexicon of the dream symbols with helpful tips to better remember your own dreams.Buy here at Amazon*.