Anti-dust miracle: Why you should use coffee filters for cleaning

Did you know that you can make much more than just coffee with coffee filters? We'll tell you an ingenious cleaning trick!

Coffee filters were invented in the early 20th century to separate the coffee grounds from the coffee and obtain clear, aromatic coffee. They are often made of paper or fabric, with paper filters being the most common. But there are also porcelain filters that can be used again and again.

Anyone who drinks filter coffee every morning naturally ensures that they have a sufficient supply of filter bags. Because nothing is more annoying than realizing that you no longer have coffee filters when you want to make coffee in the morning (I speak from experience).

Here you can find out why you should always have coffee filters at home, even if you don't drink (filter) coffee.

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Ingenious cleaning trick with coffee filters

Even if you're not a coffee drinker, you should keep a pack of coffee filters in your pantry. Because not only can you brew coffee with the paper bags, you can use them toocan be used wonderfully as a duster. You can use coffee filters to wipe dust really well.

They are suitable for wiping sensitive surfaces as they do not scratch. You can also use the coffee filter to remove dust from screens and glasses.

It is particularly difficult to find a suitable duster for screens, as most of them cause micro-scratches. The coffee filters, however, do not. Plus, they're super cheap.

To dust, you can simply wipe the coffee filters over the surface and easily remove dust particles. If you want a slightly larger surface area, you can cut the filter apart with scissors.

By the way, you don't have to moisten the coffee filters. They attract dust all by themselves. By the way, coffee filters, like coffee grounds, are biodegradable.

You can find out more about coffee here: