According to psychology professor: These are the smartest dog breeds

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In the video: This is how you can tell whether your dog is smart

Which dog breeds are considered particularly intelligent? We'll tell you which furry friends have something on their minds!

We dog owners love our four-legged friends more than anything and that's why we don't let anything get in the way of them. We always emphasize that they are the most beautiful, the best-behaved and the smartest.

But of course most of us secretly know what the intelligence of our furry friends really is. After all, not every dog ​​is made the same and therefore not every dog ​​is the smartest.

Expert in canine intelligence

Some dogs are just naturally a little smarter and, above all, more eager to learn than others. And that mostly has to do with their race. Because every dog ​​breed has its own special characteristics - and some breeds are characterized by the fact that the four-legged friends are particularly intelligent.

What does intelligent mean in this case? It means these dog breeds quickly learn new commands, tricks and habits. They want to be challenged and are happy when they can successfully complete tasks.

The American psychologist and dog expert Stanley Coren lists in his bookThe intelligence of dogslists the smartest dog breeds and sorts them according to how easy they are to train and how quickly they learn new commands.

Here we present to you 20 dog breeds that made it onto this list and are therefore considered particularly intelligent.

Is your four-legged friend with you?