Bestseller at Douglas: No perfume is bought more often (a perfect gift)

A certain perfume is bought most frequently at Douglas.Credit:Getty Images

The selection of scents is huge - even with Douglas. But a perfume is hopped more often at Douglas than others. Curious which fragrance it is?

Choosing a new perfume is a bit like looking for a good book. There is the possibility to just go and be inspired - without a plan or fixed ideas. You let yourself go, discover something new and maybe come across a fragrance that immediately captivates you, like the first lines of a great novel.

Another option is to commit yourself to a certain direction beforehand and to narrow down the selection. In the case of books, this would be the genre, the fragrance in the case of perfumes.

You can proceed even more specifically if you focus on recommendations-so head for a book tip or sniff a fragrance recommendation. Such tips and recommendations are worth gold for many of us. You can not only accelerate the process of finding, but also represent a kind of security. Because, as it means what others find well, it cannot be that bad.

Let's go away from the books and concentrate on perfume. There is a perfume that apparently many of us have been shopping, keep buying or maybe even giving away. We speak of the fragrance„Life is beautiful“ von Lancôme.*

This fragrance is an absolute burner at Douglas

We spoke to Douglas and asked which perfume is probably a kind of long -running favorite. Is there a fragrance that is shopped more often than others? A fragrance that leaves all trends behind and permanently occupies a place on the popularity scale?

The company emphasizes that it is difficult to define and filter a general bestseller, but there is actually a perfume that has been as popular in the past five years as no other (as of October 2024). And that means "La vie est Belle" ("Life is beautiful") byLacome.*

„Life is beautiful“ von lancômeCredit:Douglas/gofeminin

What makes the perfume so popular and so desirable? "La vie Est Belle" is an "iconic fragrance" by Lancôme - as the perfume on the side of the French cosmetics manufacturer - which the luxury brand launched in 2012.

Iconic fragrances are characterized above all by their timelessness and recognizability. This means that these perfumes remain relevant and popular for decades and have a unique and distinctive fragrance composition.

How does the perfume smell? At Douglas is"Life is beautiful"* assigned to the floral-oriental fragrances. Lancôme describes the fragrance as "sensual, passionate, glamorous and addictive".

And it also says: "It is a fragrance with a special force, with a perfect balance between the noblesse of Iris Pallida, the depth of Patschuli and an attractive vanilla chord."

The bottle is also iconic and has a high recognition value with its "crystal smile". It has recently also been refillable and recyclable.

Something important at the end:Apart from the fact that the topic of fragrance is very individual and everyone has their own preferences, not every perfume smells the same on every person. Among other things, this is due to the fact that the fragrances react to the pH of the skin. And this pH value can vary from person to person.

Therefore: tips and recommendations are always good. You can only find out whether you like the fragrance and whether it smells with you as you imagine it if you test yourself - preferably on the skin and not just on a strip of paper.

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