Nail bed inflammation: These home remedies really help you

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Inflammation of the nail bed on fingers or toes are annoying. To make the pain a little more bearable, you can help with home remedies. We'll tell you which products also promote healing.

Damage to the nail bed causes nail betting. The fabric under the nail plate is then provided with small injuries, which is often noticeable by an unpleasant feeling of pressure or throbbing. Often the places are also red and swollen - as well as the skin around it, on which sometimes even pus forms.

There are many causes of the irritation on the nail bed (technical term: paronychie). We present a few typical triggers here.

How does nail bed inflammation come about?

  • Frequent contact with aggressive cleaning agents or chemicals can cause inflammation in the area of ​​finger and toenails.
  • With a weakened immune system or as a side effect of medication, the symptoms also occur.
  • Infections, triggered by bacteria or skin fungus, can also be responsible for the irritation.
  • Improper or rough manicure or pedicure can cause injuries to and around the nail bed.

As a rule, such inflammation heals within a few days. If this is not the case, a check-up can be advisable to the doctor. In particular, if the symptoms worsen, thecorrect diagnosis in good time the best treatmentto be selected. As a rule, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic ointment when infection with bacteria. But the pain can also be mitigated with different home remedies - or at least bridged a little until the appointment with the professional.

Popular home remedies for nail bed inflammation

In order to relieve the unpleasant feeling of pressure and pain, hand or foot baths with different home remedies have proven themselves. In the case of chronic injuries, such treatment can also be integrated into regular nail care. We can recommend the following means.

Salt salt:As an inflammatory inhibitor, salt would not be assumed, but the grains in the affected areas help. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of salt in warm water and let hands or feet act for a while.

Teebaumöl:The classic among home remedies is tea tree oil. The antibacterial oil is well suited as the treatment of nail bed inflammation. However, it should always be diluted. A maximum of four drops are completely sufficient for a water bath.

Chamomile:Camile is also disinfectant and pain -relieving. To do this, you can attach a brew from either chamomile flowers or corresponding tea bags in hot water. Wait until the water is lukewarm and then put your hands and feet in. Alternative: wrapping envelopes, soaked in a chamomile bath, you can wrap around the nails and let it work.

Woman with foot bath and chamomile flowers.Credit:AdobeStock

If the symptoms are very bad, you can treat the nails up to twice a day. A maximum of 20 minutes are completely sufficient for the nail care described above. If yoursHealing earthat home, you can also try it with it. Stir a paste with water, which you then order on the affected fingers and toes.

Helpful tips to prevent inflammation on the nail bed

Anyone who once had an infection on the finger or toe knows how uncomfortable it can be. Nail care is therefore the be -all and end -all to avoid such inflammation. The following tips cannot completely rule out an infection on the nail bed, but at least a bit from protecting hands and feet.

  • Avoid cutting the cuticles with scissors. Instead, you can soak them with nail oil (there is here at Amazon) and then carefully push back.
  • If your skin is often dry on the fingers and toes, they regularly cream. Because inflammation occurs faster if the cuticle has too little moisture.
  • Gloves in housework and Co. also protect every nail from loss of moisture and new infections.
  • If you often suffer from the toe under nail bed infections, shoes or pressure points that are too tight can be the cause.

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Something important at the end:Nail betting is annoying, but with the right home remedies you can quickly get them under control. However, if you determine further changes on your nails, such as redness and painful inflammation, then you should definitely see a doctor. The same applies if you also feel sick or your immune system is weakened.