Fighting pimples on the bottom: This helps against buttne

Most of us have pimples on our bottoms, also known as butts, from time to time. The small red pustules are usually harmless and are more of a cosmetic than medical problem. In some cases, the pimples on the bottom can also hide illnesses.

You can read here where the pustules come from, how you can get rid of pimples on your bottom and when they are a case for the doctor.

Where do pimples on the butt come from?

Pimples on the bottom occur when the skin is irritated or too dry. The wrong underwear can be just as to blame for impurities as rubbing clothing, sitting for long periods of time or damp swimwear.

Because the warm, humid environment in the intimate region is a paradise for bacteria, pimples often appear on the buttocks and tend to become inflamed.

But pimples on the bottom can also have hormonal causes. Hormone fluctuations over the course of the cycle, pregnancy or menopause can be noticeable through impure skin.

Another reason for skin imperfections is an unhealthy lifestyle. An unbalanced diet with lots of fast food and sugar can promote acne and pimples on the bottom. Smoking and little sleep can also trigger impure skin with large pores and pimples.

Pimples on the bottom are often small and red.Credit:Getty Images
Larger pimples can leave pimple marks on the bottom.Credit:Getty Images

Which home remedies combat pimples on the bottom?

Pimples on the bottom can usually be easily treated with home remedies. Which of the following tips is suitable for you depends on your skin type. This is where you have to try it out.

The following home remedies are considered particularly effective against pimples on the bottom:

1. Sea salt bath for buttne

Have you ever noticed that your skin is usually cleaner on vacation than at home? This is mainly due to the sea water. The salt it contains ensures that pimples disappear faster thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect.

Treat your skin to a portion of sea salt every now and then at home, either as a sitz bath in lukewarm bath water or as a sea salt peeling in the shower.

There is a well-rated sea salt as a bath additive on Amazon*

2. Apply healing clay body mask to the bottom

What helps against pimples and clogged pores on the face also works on the downside. Healing clay balances oily skin caused by overproduction of sebum glands and can therefore help get rid of pimples on the buttocks more quickly.

If you would like to use healing clay to treat the Buttne, you can easily make your own mask. To do this, mix 3 teaspoons of healing clay with a shot of cooled chamomile tea. Apply the mixture to the affected areas and leave it on for about 20 minutes.

Then wash everything off in the shower, dry well and put on underwear made of breathable material. You should apply the mask twice a week.

Tipp:If you still have some of the mask left, you can also apply it to other areas of your skin. For example, against acne on the face or upper back.

Here you can order well-rated healing clay directly from Amazon.*

3. Sitz bath with chamomile for inflamed pimples

Chamomile is a proven home remedy for all kinds of inflammation. The fragrant flowers of chamomile can also help treat pimples on the bottom.

The most effective are lukewarm sitz baths with chamomile flower extracts (is available here on Amazon*). Simply add a few drops of the essence to the bath water to get rid of clogged sebaceous glands.

4. Sunlight helps pimples heal

Yes, too much sun can damage our skin. But what many people don't know is that UV radiation is also essential for healthy skin because it stimulates the body's production of its ownan.

The sun also helps to “dry out” the pimples. Especially on vacation, you should give your bottom a little sun and remove your wet swimwear. But very important: don't forget to apply cream.

Tipp:If you have oily skin and are prone to breakouts, you should use a sensitive sunscreen without chemical filters. The only thing that helps here is testing in advance. The wrong sunscreen can lead to even more acne.

Reading tip:

5. Zinc ointment for inflammation

If you suffer from severe acne or individual pimples on your buttocks have become inflamed, over-the-counter zinc ointment can help. Zinc has a disinfectant effect and dries out the pimples.

Important: Only apply the cream to clean skin - ideally after showering - and allow it to absorb and dry completely before getting dressed.

Order zinc ointment from Abtei directly from Amazon here.*

How can I prevent pimples on my butt?

When it comes to pimples on the bottom, the motto is: Prevention is better than cure. There are many things you can do with your personal hygiene and in everyday life to prevent pimples on your bottom from occurring in the first place. Here are effective tips:

1. Wear cotton briefs

As described above, the wrong one cancontribute to the development of pimples on the bottom. If you are prone to breakouts, you should wear cotton underwear. It is breathable and skin-friendly. When it comes to pajamas, it's better to have an airy nightgown made of cotton than pajamas made of synthetic materials.

And: change bed linen and pajamas regularly. How often you do yours.

2. Avoid friction

To protect your skin, you should often wear loose-fitting trousers and skirts made of cotton instead of skin-tight jeans. They do not chafe on the skin and prevent pustules and pustules from formingform on the bottom.

3. Peels for pimples on the bottom

If you are prone to encapsulated pimples due to blocked sebaceous glands, you should exfoliate your skin thoroughly once a week to remove dead skin cells.

The old skin flakes are like a barrier that prevents the hair follicle from getting air and causing it to become inflamed more quickly. A peeling removes old skin cells through gentle friction and can simply be used while showering.

By the way:Many peelings from the drugstore contain microplastics that harm the environment. So it's better to use peelings with natural ingredients.

4. Wash clothes in hot water

Good hygiene is essential if you want to get rid of pimples on your butt permanently. This includes not only daily personal hygiene, but also proper washing and regular changing of towels, washcloths, etc.

And according to health experts, regular means after three uses! Also make sure to wash your underwear hot enough. Washing at at least 60 degrees acts as a disinfectant for the textiles, even without special detergents, and kills all bacteria.

More about this:

5. Use sensitive detergent

Sometimes itchy pimples on the bottom can also be a reaction to the detergent. Many washing powders or liquid detergents contain skin-irritating ingredients such as: B. Perfume and these are deposited in washed clothing.

If bumps form, you should try a different detergent. Ultra-sensitive ones are the most gentle on the skin. They do not contain perfume, dyes and preservatives and are therefore perfect for baby clothes. It is better to use washing powder rather than liquid detergent, as it is often more tolerable.

6. Eat healthy

The influence of our diet on our skin and therefore also on the formation of pimples is not insignificant. Unhealthy food such as fast food, too much sweets or cow's milk products can worsen the complexion and promote pimples on the bottom.

So make sure you eat a balanced diet. And very important: drink enough! Ideally 2 liters of water per day. You should also drink two cups of mint tea every day. According to US scientists, mint is said to help against acne and improve the complexion.

7. Pay attention to hygiene when shaving

Pimples on the bottom can also be caused by shaving. To prevent red pustules, always use a sharp blade when shaving. Also make sure to clean and disinfect the skin before shaving. This is particularly important in the intimate region because more germs naturally occur here.

Can I pop pimples on my butt?

To prevent the harmless pimples on your bottom from developing into boils or even abscesses, you should definitely not tamper with them yourself.

Anyone who pops pimples on their bottom risks serious complications. By the way, this applies to both pus pimples andoram Po.

The reason: Bacteria that are on the upper layer of skin (or hands) penetrate the resulting wound when you squeeze the pimple and can cause even greater inflammation. If you want to get rid of the pimples quickly, you should stay away from them!

Only trained personnel should. Impeccable hygiene is important. This includes disinfecting the affected skin area, using disposable gloves, and sterile tools, for exampleand a second disinfection after squeezing.

Pimples on the bottom: when to see a doctor?

As a rule, pimples on the bottom are harmless skin imperfections that disappear on their own after a few days or weeks.

In rare cases, however, the inflammation spreads further and leads to folliculitis, inflammation of the hair follicles or so-called boils. These are purulent skin inflammations caused by bacteria. Depending on the size and degree of inflammation, antibiotic ointments are the treatment of choice.

Pimple on the bottom, boil or abscess?

Boils are larger than “normal” pimples on the bottom and extend into deeper layers of skin. The inflammation has spread to the hair follicle and the surrounding connective tissue.

They cause pain, especially if they are on the bottom and you sit on the inflamed area. If the infection spreads even further, the former pimple on the bottom can also become an abscess become. This requires longer and more intensive treatment.

If you are concerned that the pustules have become severely inflamed or that a boil or even an abscess has formed, or if the pimples on your bottom are causing pain, you should consult your family doctor or a dermatological practice.

Something important to conclude: Pimples on the bottom are something completely normal and nothing to be ashamed of. You shouldn't be afraid to show the skin imperfections on your bottom to your doctor.