Psychology: Those who walk slowly are less intelligent - is that true?

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First of all in the video: Anyone who has one of these problems is usually particularly intelligent

Not only can an IQ test reveal something about our intelligence, but also how fast or slow we walk.

Do you constantly have to overtake others on the sidewalk because they are walking too slowly? Then you might be smarter than average. BecauseResearch from Duke Universityhave revealed interesting connections between our walking pace and our mental state.

For this purpose, over 900 New Zealanders were regularly examined by researchers over a period of 40 years. Among other things, they measured how fast people walk and how smart they are. They also looked at how their physical and mental condition was.

The result?According to study, people who walk slower have, on average, a lower IQ.

If you walk faster, your mind stays fit longer

It wasn't just the IQ of the test subjects that was tested over the years. According to the MRIs, the brains of people who move more slowly also age faster. They also demonstrated poorer cognitive abilities and were in poorer physical condition.

The participants with the slowest walk between the ages of 26 and 45 aged 5 years faster than the test subjects with a brisk walking pace. According to the study, their lungs, teeth and immune system were in poorer condition - even their faces were considered older.

How many steps should you take per day?

An active lifestyle is not only important for our body, it also strengthens our brain. Many people like to follow the famous 10,000 steps per day rule. However, this is increasingly being questioned.

Newer onesStudiessuggest that just 4,000 to 8,000 steps per day are enough to promote our health. And whether quickly or slowly: enough exercise is good for all of us.

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