According to the study: These vices are how you recognize intelligent people

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First in the video: Why people with high IQs don't always have advantages

According to a study, there are three weaknesses that unite many intelligent people. Which ones are they? You will be surprised.

One might think that smart people always act wisely and thoughtfully, even in everyday life. But knowledge is one thing, implementation is another. Because even though smart people know that certain things aren't good for them, they do them anyway.

In oneStudyPsychologist Satoshi Kanazawa from the London School of Economics and Political Science discovered that there are a few weaknesses that unite many intelligent people.

Intelligent people would be more likely to consume alcohol, go to bed late and do little exercise. Even if you know for sure that this is not always the best way to go in terms of your health.

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The psychologist found this out based on the characteristics and values ​​of people with a high intelligence quotient. Smart people, he concluded, tend to represent moderate and liberal values. They are more tolerant and open to new things.

But why exactly does this lead to people often treating themselves to a glass of alcohol, staying up late and not moving as much as people who are not so smart?

The reason: the “savanna theory”

In response to this question, the scientist cites the so-called “savannah theory”. This theory states that the brains of intelligent people have adapted well to the demands of today. For example, when dealing with modern media or other technical achievements of our time.

Less intelligent people, on the other hand, would be more traditional and conservative. According to the psychologist, they are not as open to new things and therefore do not cope with the challenges of the modern world as well as extremely intelligent people.

The study found that urban life with all-nighters and alcohol, lots of media consumption and little exercise has less appeal for them. Because: None of these things would have played any role for people in the Stone Age.

If intelligent people can adapt better to modern times with their temptations, various time wasters, etc., they are also more likely to pursue these temptations.

Of course, that shouldn't be a reason to constantly go overboard and sit lazily on the couch - with a glass of wine in your hand and feeling particularly clever. But it may be a small consolation for everyone who is currently struggling with their good resolutions for the new year.