Dream interpretation baby: This is what the child dream motif says about you

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TheDream image babyis not only widespread among (expectant) parents. TheInfant in a dreammany have encountered it before. No wonder, because the child has many meanings and, according to common dream interpretation, symbolizes a wide variety of feelings and situations in real life.

Depending on their own life situation, babies in dreams can, among other things, have a (hidden)Desire to have childrenor the fear of pregnancy, your own hurt feelings or a new beginning.

What does a newborn mean in a dream?

In principle, there is no general meaning of the baby as a dream symbol. The possible interpretations are too different and the context of the dream situation is too important.

The interpretation of theBabies as a dream symbolHowever, it differs in each case depending on whether the infant in the dream is your own child or that of another person. If you dream of expecting a baby yourself or of holding your own baby in your arms as a new mother or father, this can indicate inner vulnerability or already hurt feelings.

After such dreams, the person should ask themselves whether there are areas or relationships in their life where they feel insecure or where their feelings are ignored.

If the newborn you dream about is not your own and you know the parents, this suggests that they are in a phase of life in which they need support. The important thing here is to see the needs of those around you and, if you can, offer help.

What does it mean to be pregnant in a dream?

If you are expecting offspring in real life, the dream symbols are the baby and thepregnancyIn most cases, it's simply a process of processing your current experiences.

If you are not currently pregnant, dreaming about a positive pregnancy test, an ultrasound picture or a round stomach can have several meanings.

On the one hand, such dreams can be hidden or obvious, unfulfilledDesire to have childrento express. This is especially true if you found the dream situation to be beautiful.

If it was more of a nightmare, the dream symbol of pregnancy can also mean that you subconsciously have a great fear of becoming pregnant unintentionally.

The baby can then also be an expression of the fact that you are afraid of taking responsibility - be it for another person or for certain areas of your own life.

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Birth: What does it mean to have a child in a dream?

If you had a baby in a dream even though you are not expecting any offspring in the real world, the birth in the dream usually symbolizes a change. It can indicate that you will soon acquire new skills or gain new knowledge that will help you move forward.

That's exactly how it can beChildbirth in dream interpretationThis means that a long-awaited wish will soon come true. Similar to pregnancy, where the baby has to grow for nine months before it is finally born, you will soon finally see the results of long, hard work.

This also comes explicitly in your dreamUmbilical cord dream symbolThis suggests that you are positive and open to possible new beginnings in your life. In most cases, dreams about childbirth can be interpreted positively.

Dream interpretation giving birth during pregnancy

If you are pregnant in the waking world, the dream of giving birth usually only indicates that you are processing your experiences. The dream symbol also means an expression of your strong love for your unborn child.

If you dream of a complicated or premature birth, you don't have to worry: the dream image is by no means a bad omen, but simply expresses your subconscious worries about whether everything will go well.

Here it is important to look forward to the new start with a baby and to use the dream symbol as an opportunity to seek advice from women in your own environment who have already become mothers if you have any fears about the birth.

Aborting or abandoning a baby in a dream

Dreaming about an abortion is not a pleasant experience. However, under certain circumstances it can provide dreamers with valuable insight. In dream interpretation, an abortion represents health problems. These can either affect the dreaming person themselves or their partner.

Such dreams should therefore be taken as an opportunity to listen to yourself again and, for example, to take more care of your own health, for example by going to a check-up or doing sports.

DieDream symbols of leaving behindor forgetting your own baby have a metaphorical meaning and usually mean that the person concerned is ignoring a problem in their own life. Of course, simply running away from problems is rarely possible, which is why construction sites should be identified and actively eliminated.

Tipp:In order to use your dreams in the long term to identify problems in your everyday life, working with one candream diary*be very helpful. This will help you recognize recurring dreams and identify underlying patterns more quickly.

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Dream motif baby in your arms

Anyone who carries an infant in their arms in a dream and feels deep love can expect professional or family changes, because the small child in their arms represents responsibility.

It may be that a new family member will soon be joining or an important position in the job is coming up, so that the dreamer will have to fulfill more obligations in the future.

Dream Interpretation Drop Baby

Dreams in which aBaby droppedare not a warning of impending injuries to your child, even if you can quickly interpret them that way. The dream image is to be understood more symbolically and is a sign to be more careful in everyday life and to align your actions with your own goals.

Dream Interpretation: The baby is crying or screaming loudly

If you dream of a baby crying loudly, this often represents a stressful situation that has now been overcome. The toddler usually symbolizes the dreaming itself and dissolves the tension of the situation by crying or screaming.

TheDream image of crying babybrings hope: when a difficult situation has been overcome, new opportunities usually appear in the life of the person concerned.

Save baby dream symbol

Wersaves a baby in a dream, according to common dream interpretation, has a good-natured character. The dreaming person is courageous and ready to intervene when others need their help.

If you save a child from drowning in a dream, this also suggests that the long-awaited end of a situation is finally in sight or that a conflict will soon be resolved.

Interpretation: Baby dies in a dream

If the rescue does not succeed in the dream and the baby dies, it is a terrible dream experience. However, it can also be interpreted positively, because according to common dream interpretation, death not only represents the end, but also a new beginning.

Whenever something old, such as a friendship or a job, ends, it gives us the space to rethink our current life situation and our decisions and realign ourselves.

A baby dies in a dreamIf you don't know it, it's quite possible that a new phase of your life will soon be upon you. However, if the baby is your own, this is more often a sign that you are worried about your child.

And the dream may indicate that you are feeling guilty about not being able to take care of it as you would like at the moment.

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Dream interpretation miscarriage

If the offspring in the dream is not born alive, but dies before or during birth, this is usually interpreted as an impending failure. Such dream scenarios can give you reason to question the path you are currently on in order to see more clearly what goal you are pursuing in the long term.

However, a miscarriage in a dream does not necessarily have to be seen as a sign of failure - it can also mean fear of it. If the dreamer has set a new goal or is about to complete a big project, the dream isMiscarriage in the dream worldfor worrying about your own failure.

The important thing here is not to set your expectations too high and to put less pressure on yourself.

Dream motif breastfeeding in a dream

If your dreams include feeding a baby at your breast, you can be happy: According to popular interpretation, you are someone who can give others (children and adults) a lot of motherly love, is honest and has the needs of those around you in mind.

However, breastfeeding can also mean that someone is dependent on you, just as the infant is dependent on the mother. If you suspect something, think about how you can support this person to be independent.

DreamdEution: Give the baby the bottle

If you do not breastfeed the newborn, but feed it with a bottle in the dream, it can mean that you are longing for more care and closeness. Unlike breastfeeding, this does not necessarily have to be physical, but can also be expressed in deeper emotional connections.

There may also be an intellectual under-challenge behind it. The “light food” at work or in conversations with those around you may not give you the satisfaction you want.

What does it mean if you are a baby yourself in a dream?

Be a child again: A dream in which you appear in the form of an infant can certainly be interpreted as a wish.

Dreamers often long for more ease in life, want to forget all the responsibility and pressure and let their partner take care of them. A short vacation can help here.

It can also express the desire to be closer to one's parents, as well as the need to return to one's own roots.

We hope the explanation of dream images helped you interpret your own dream. For even more articles on the topic of dream interpretation, take a look at our relevant section!