Dream symbol persecution: an indication of hidden fears?

We often dream that we are being persecuted and panicked with something run away. What does the dream interpretation persecute as a motif? Here are instructions for you to interpret your persecution dream.

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Do you often dream of being pursued in a dream? From a wild chase or even someone who is standing up to you? It is not uncommon for chase dreams to have nightmarish trains and we wake up completely wheeled. What is behind it?

As with any dream interpretation, the same applies to the dream motif of the persecution that we have to consider every detail of the dream. Are we persecuted and by whom? Where does the persecution take place, is it a familiar surroundings or a surreal film scene that is haunted to us at night?

Basically, however, it can be said: If we dream of a chase, the victim we are, then there is usually a pattern behind it despite a variety of interpretation options. Because the dream motif of the persecution usually indicates that we try to suppress fears and problems.

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Track interpretation: typical motifs and their interpretation

The dream motif of onePursuer that you just can't shake offAnd some of the dreams always persecute one that we run away from something when we wake up. Apparently there is something that we are afraid of and that is burdening us. Maybe a problem or a concern that we are suppression?

We cannot see our pursuerIf we only see him shadowy or as a shadow, it can indicate that we ourselves do not know what is burdening us. There are apparently fears that we still have to face, which we are not even aware of.

OftenIs the person who persecutes us even familiar to us, maybe someone from the family or a friend. In this case, the nightmare can point out that someone from your nearby environment does not want anything good for you and may go back.

You dream of oneWild chase that would honor every action thriller? Here the classic dream interpretation sees a warning of people who are not good for us. Maybe there is someone in your life whose attitude you should question.

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This meaning can have a persecution dream

These are just a few classic motifs of the dream motif. But the pattern can be seen quite clearly: this type of nightmares indicate problems in your life that you should devote more. Something is unclear, you are displaced or you are not really aware of it, but put a lot of strain on you.

The dream can, for example, mean that something in your partnership or marriage does not run smoothly and that the worries follow you while sleeping. What are your feelings when you think of this person? Do you feel pressed or misunderstood? Perhaps we long for freedom and more space for ourselves in the relationship and therefore run away in a dream.

However, the motive of persecution can also indicate negative feelings in relation to your everyday life with jobs and duties. Maybe you feel overloaded in everyday life? There is stress in the job or there is a person who puts you under pressure or you feel overwhelmed.

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Track interpretation: What do you run away from?

On the motive of the persecution, you can take a look in two different directions: Our pursuer can be interpreted on the one hand as what strains we “pursue” in the wake state.

But we can also take a look at what we run away from. Did we make a mistake, invited a guilt on us? Are there any problems and fears that we don't face? Has something happened in the past to try to displace it, so we want to run away?

Psychologists also like to interpret the dream motif of the persecution by making bad experiences that are heard in dreams. A trauma that the dreaming may have lived through as a child or another very negative situation that literally pursues us all our lives.

If the pursuer is a relative or your own partner, the problem can be the problem here in interpersonal negative experiences. Are feelings suppressed or misunderstood?

Often, however, we also dream very surreal, i.e. ghosts, monsters or the like. These nightmares of not earthly powers can stand for something that compares us in waking life as an overpowering problem or as an overpowering fear in life. So something we don't feel grown.

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Dream symbols as important notes for your life

If you dream once of escape or chase, it cannot be seen directly with an oversized concern.

However, if you often have recurring dreams of this kind, think about what could apply to you and your life from our approaches.

Because apparently you should face a fear or problem or conflict that you have so far flew, but which secretly employs you very much or even burden you. So go within you and think about what your dream of persecution could stand for.

There are several interpretations of your dreams. What exactly is the importance of your persecution dream can only find out for himself.

So, as always, pay attention to every detail and put your slip and pencil on the bedside table so that you can write down everything important immediately after waking up. Have fun and knowledge when interpreting your dreams.