Ear piercings are currently very trendy. We'll tell you what you should know about the helix piercing-from risks to the right care.
Table of contents
- In advance in the video: This tattoo fits your zodiac sign:
- Helix piercing: This is how the ear piercing is engraved
- How painful is piercing?
- Helix piercing: these are the risks
- This is how you care for your ear piercing correctly
- How expensive is helix piercing?
- Here you can shop helix piercings
The helix piercing is one of the classics among ear piercings. It is an ear ring on the upper, outer edge of the auricle, the so -called helix.
Since the piercing is stung by cartilage tissue, it takes a little longer than an ordinary ear hole to heal completely.
Very important in advance: You should only sting a helix piercing in a professional piercing studio and do not let it shoot at the jeweler with a conventional ear hole pistol.
When shooting through the helix, nerves can be injured and violent inflammation occurs, so that piercing often has to be removed after a short time. Therefore, you should always go to an experienced, professional piercer - this also applies to other ear piercings.
In advance in the video: This tattoo fits your zodiac sign:
Which tattoo fits my zodiac sign?
Helix piercing: This is how the ear piercing is engraved
Before the actual jump -off, the piercer will initially disinfect your ear and mark the puncture site. If you are ready, the piercer stings with a piercing needle under strong pressure through the helix cartilage. Some piercer prefer the punch where part of the cartilage is removed with a special punching device.
After piercing or punching, a "barbel" is first used - you have to wear that until the wound has healed completely. How long this takes is very different, as a rule, a helix piercing has usually healed after three to six months. Since cartilage tissue is generally worse than soft tissue, you have to be patient for healing. Then you can have the earrings replaced with your piercer - from small plugs to striking struggles, everything is possible.
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How painful is piercing?
Many wonder if the helix pierc is painful. The answer: yes, it is, but only briefly. The sting through cartilage is much more painful than through soft tissue on the earlobe. There are also many small nerves in the ear cartilage.
However, the piercing takes only a few seconds, so that the pain can be endured well. After the stinging, your ear can swell, throb or feel hot. But these symptoms usually also stop after a short time.
Helix piercing: these are the risks
Like any other piercing, the helix earring brings with it some risks. Unlike normal ear holes in the earlobe, piercings heal that are stung by cartilage tissue, unfortunately not quite as quickly and uncomplicated.
The greatest danger is that inflammation or skin irritation occurs after pierces. Allergic reactions and pigment disorders are also possible. If complications occur, you should see your piercer immediately. He can tell you what to do. Most inflammation can be reached relatively well with appropriate ointments.
This is how you care for your ear piercing correctly
For a quick healing process, you should pay attention to the following after piercing:
- Hands off! Do not touch the helix piercing or play around on it. If so, have to wash and disinfect hands beforehand.
- Spray piercing three times a day with disinfectant spray.
- Foregoing blood -thinning medication, e.g. aspirin in the first few days.
- During the first two weeks: do without swimming pool, solarium and sauna visits as well as certain sports (ball sports, gymnastics, ...).
- In the first few days, Helix piercing do not get in touch with care products such as soap, shampoo and hairspray.
- When you sleep, do not lie directly on the piercing, better turn to the other side.
- Beware of headgear, scarves or the like that can get caught in piercing.
- Carefully clean and disinfect any crusts that arise with warm chamomile water.
- Under no circumstances take out piercing.
What to do if your piercing gets ignited, you can find out here:.
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How expensive is helix piercing?
How much you have to pay for a helix piercing cannot be said in general. As a rule, a helix piercing-depending on the piercing studio and region-costs around 30 to 80 euros like other ear piercings.
In addition to the sting itself, the price also includes the first time and care products. It is best to ask in the piercing studio of your choice beforehand how the costs are composed.
Here you can shop helix piercings
It is best to buy jewelry for the helix earring directly in the piercing studio in which you let the piercing stab. The piercer can best advise you whether a helix piercing ring or a helix piercing connector fit the anatomy of your ear.
Piercing rings such as horseshoe piercings, segment rings and segment Clicker are most common for the ear-helix. Piercing plugs and rods are also becoming increasingly popular with helix piercing.
Sources & further information on the health risks of piercing:
Important NOTE:The information in this article only serves the information and does not replace a diagnosis at the doctor. If uncertainties, urgent questions or complaints arise, you should contact your doctor.
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