According to the study: At this age we are most unfortunate

There are phases in life in which we are different. According to a study, there is an age in which we are particularly unhappy.

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We all have a bad day - after all, nobody is constantly in a good mood and through life with a broad smile (even if there are people who shine irritably often with a perfect mood). There are these typical phases of life in which we are sometimes better, sometimes worse. And: Each phase has its sun and dark sides.

According to scientists, however, there is a time when we are particularly dissatisfied with ourselves and our lives. And contrary to many assumptions, this is not in puberty and not in old age.

Study names a specific highlight of being unhappy

According to theStudyThe satisfaction curve of Economics Professor David G. Blanchflower from Dartmouth College has a low point, or let's say: The dissatisfaction curve has a very clearly recognizable highlight-the maximum of dissatisfaction, the frustration summit of life, so to speak. And according to Blanchflower, it is 49 years. Before and afterwards we would be clearly happier.

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Why the peak in the middle of life?

A possible interpretation for this phenomenon: At this age we are in a kind of upheaval phase: be it the menopause of the woman or the Andropause of the man. Similar to puberty, the body is sorting up and we have to struggle with the changeover for a long time, be it physical or psychological changes.

Another explanation: Many people look back on their lives in this phase and are frustrated because they have not achieved a lot of what they hoped for. Where do I stand now and was it what I dreamed of? What did I miss and what can I still achieve?

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David Blanchflower and a team interviewed people from 132 countries for the study and found that the phenomenon is becoming more or less worldwide. No matter where we live, we have a U-shaped lucky curve. These results were shown worldwide and independently of relationship status, employment relationship and education.

At the end of 40 the low point is reached - with only minimal deviations.According to the study, that of the National Bureau of EconomicPublished, our well -being in industrialized nations sinks into the basement at 47.2 years, in developing countries it is at 48.2 years at the absolute low.

Two different halves of life that all people live through

Also thePsychoanalyst Carl Gustav Junghas dealt intensively with this topic. He also recognized two very different halves of life that all people live through. According to Jung, both halves of life are fundamentally different phases, which we should also live differently. Because he sees the upheaval as an opportunity to rethink and reorganize life.

No matter whether chance or annoyance: the good news is that from the end of 40 satisfaction it is going uphill again.

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A notice:
The topic of depression and dissatisfaction can trigger some people. Whose psyche got out of balance should not be afraid to get professional help. Those affected find help here:

The telephone pastoral care offers under the number0800 111 0 111Free and anonymous consultations. On the sides of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZGA)those affected can specifically search for advice centers in their region.

At the"Number against grief"find children and adolescents at116 111Free telephone advice. The number for parents is:0 800 / 111 0 550