Secrets of pregnancy: What nobody tells you beforehand!

A lot changes for a woman once she is pregnant. Apart from the fact that your body is no longer just belonging to her alone, this also changes extremely. The stomach grows steadily, she feels cravings that were strange to her before, her hormones ride roller coaster - and all of this is just the beginning.

There are many more things that happen during pregnancy that many mothers simply use. We don't know why either. That's why we're talking Tacheles now.

1. Baby cries stimulated

Pregnant women and freshly baked mothers can lose milk when they hear a baby screaming or crying. It doesn't even have to be your own child. The acoustic stimulus is sufficient to stimulate the mammary glands and the milk runs.

2. Animal relationship

Whales, dogs, rabbits, pigs and people all start their “life” as an egg with a size of 0.2 mm. For comparison, a sewing needle is 0.8 mm thick.

3. Early start to life

In the 5th week of pregnancy, the adolescent baby's heart begins to beat and pump blood. With a little luck, you can see that on an ultrasound around the 6th week of pregnancy. It works better around the 10th week of pregnancy.

4. Not so rare

One of 2,000 babies is born with a tooth. This can be a bit more uncomfortable with the first attempts to breastfeed. However, if the child has the shoot out, the tooth does not interfere with the relaxed breastfeeding.

5. Baby cries in the womb

Babies are already crying in the mother's belly. This was found in an American-Australian research team in 2005 during ultrasound examinations. In their experimental setup they played short, deep tones to the fetuses. On the ultrasound images, the scientists saw that the unborn moved moved like newborns when crying. From this they concluded that babies in the stomach also react to discomfort with crying.

2022 showed a BritishStudyThat babies already reacted to food in the womb that ate their mothers. If the mothers enjoyed carrots, babies had looked laughing on ultrasound pictures, Kohl existed, reminding their facial expressions of crying.

6. Large, bigger, the greatest

The uterus of a woman becomes many times greater than in the normal state in the course of pregnancy. As early as the 20th week of pregnancy, the uterus extends to the belly button, at the end of the 40 ssw to the lower ribs. It is around 20 times as large as at the beginning of pregnancy and has reached a comparable size of about two footballs.

7. Everything grows

The heart and feet of the woman also grow during pregnancy. The heart has to pump more blood through the body of the pregnant woman in a minute faster, about 30 to 50 percent more.

8. Much more blood

In addition, a pregnant woman simply has more blood. The blood volume grows by about 40%. The amount of blood in the body of a pregnant woman increases from 5 liters to approx. 6.5 liters until shortly before the birth.

9. Light and dark

From the 13th week of pregnancy, the baby can distinguish the light from darkness. Unfortunately, this has absolutely no influence on the sleep behavior of a child. It doesn't sleep when it is dark and is awake when it is light. It has to learn this day-night rhythm after birth.

10. Eye up!

Babies open their eyes for the first time between the 26th and 28th week of pregnancy.

11. Mums taste counts

The baby can taste what mom eats. Because the amniotic fluid also contains flavors of the food, it is assumed that the baby can also "smell" what mom eats. Supposedly, the mother's eating behavior during pregnancy can have a major impact on the child's later taste.

12. Unique from the start

A child's fingerprint is already formed in the first three months of pregnancy.

13. Wehenauslöser

The stimulation of the nipples is a scientifically proven method to trigger contractions. So if you are impatiently waiting for the contractions at the end of pregnancy, you know what you can try without hesitation and without risk.

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14. Children drink their pee in their stomach

In the 8th week of pregnancy, children begin to urinate in the amniotic fluid. From the 10th week of pregnancy, babies drink a mix of amniotic fluid and pee. Cheers!

15. The “big business” last until birth

Most babies hold the "big business" until birth. The so -called meconium or "childpech" consists of skin, hair, proteins, white blood cells and everything else that floats through the amniotic fluid.

16. Shaved work

The baby helps at birth by turning and screwing through the birth canal, so to speak. Incidentally, most children look down when they are born. Children who stretch their noses towards the sky is also called 'starguckers'.

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17. From 40 weeks of pregnancy

The longest pregnancy ever lasted one year and 10 days, that is 375 days. Usually pregnancy takes an average of 266 days.

18. Birth weight

Expectant mums who receive a lot of support during pregnancy tend to get a larger (and healthier) baby.

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