Table of contents
- Mini-Workout am Montag
- Mini workout on Tuesday
- Mini workout on Wednesday
- Mini workout on Thursday
- Mini-Workout am Freitag
- Mini workout on Saturday
- Free training on Sunday
No time? I understand – but with this training plan you can still do it! Because you don't need 45 minutes in the gym, 15 minutes is more than enough.
I now rely on short, intensive units. I used to take the time and spend 90 minutes in the gym. But everyday life has changed, and to be honest, I no longer feel like spending hours on machines to optimize my body. Short, effective and uncomplicated – that’s my motto now!
By the way, ideally you should plan more time for intensive endurance training on two days per week.,,or spinning are great options to really exercise your body. However, it has a similar good effect if you manage between 7,000 and 10,000 steps every day.
Mini-Workout am Montag
- 2 x 20 Crunches
- 2 x 15 second side planks (each side)
- 2 x 20 Squats
- 2 x 10 push-ups
Crunches:Lie on your back, bend your legs and place your feet a little distance from your bottom. Tense your stomach tightly, lightly support the back of your head with your fingertips and slowly lift your upper body. Release your shoulders from the floor. When coming down, do not put your shoulders down, but instead lift your upper body a few centimeters again.
Side support ():Lie on your right side with your body stretched. Tense your stomach and lift your upper body and legs off the floor. Shift your weight onto your right forearm and the edges of your feet. Make sure your elbow is under your shoulder. Beginners hold the side plank, advanced people make small up and down movements.
:Stand upright with your legs slightly wider than hip-width apart. Knees and feet point slightly outwards. Tighten your stomach and buttocks and squat deeply. Push your bottom back and your upper body slightly forward.
Push-ups:Lie on your stomach. Then straighten your arms and push your body up so that the weight is only supported by your straight arms and the tips of your toes. Tense your stomach tightly. Make sure your hands are under your shoulders. The bottom should neither slide up nor sink down. Bend your arms and lower your upper body as low as you can. Alternatively, you can do the exercise on your knees.
Mini workout on Tuesday
- 2 x 20 oblique crunches (per side)
- 2 x 15 second plank
- 2 x 15 deep lunges (per side)
- 2 x 20 Bizeps-Curls
Oblique crunches:Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet on the floor some distance from your bottom. Tighten your stomach, lightly support the back of your head with your fingertips, and then push your left elbow toward your right knee and vice versa.
(forearm support):Lie on your stomach. Support your forearms and push your body up so that the weight is supported only by your forearms and the tips of your toes. Make sure your elbows are under your shoulders and your bottom doesn't slide up or down. Tense your stomach tightly and hold the position. Advanced users can alternately lift one leg up.
(Lunges):Stand upright, tense your stomach and buttocks. Take a large lunge forward with your right leg. Bend your leg 90 degrees; the knee should not extend past the tip of your foot. The left knee goes low towards the ground. Return to the starting position and lunge with your left leg.
Bizeps-Curls:Hold a dumbbell or a filled 1.5 liter water bottle in each hand. The palms face upwards, the arms lie close to the body. Slowly lift the dumbbells and push them towards your upper body.
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Mini workout on Wednesday
- 2 x 20 Klappmesser
- 2 x 20 Rück-Crunch
- 2 x 15 one-leg bends (per side)
- 2 x 15 Trizeps-Curls
Folding knife:Sit upright with your legs stretched on the floor. Tense your stomach tightly and lean your upper body back a little. Lift your straight legs off the floor and bring your upper body and legs together and apart.
Rück-Crunch:Sit on your lower legs with your back upright. Tense your stomach and place your bottom alternately on the floor to the right and left of your legs. Use your abdominal muscles to lift your butt and upper body.
One-leg bends:Stand upright and shift your weight to your left leg. Bend your right leg backwards - ideally at a 90 degree angle. Tighten your stomach and bend your left leg deeply. For more balance, you can stretch your arms out to shoulder height.
Trizeps-Curls:The legs are slightly open, the upper body is upright, the stomach is tightly tense. Take a dumbbell in each hand and stretch your arms upwards. Bring the dumbbells together above your head. You can also use one larger dumbbell instead of two smaller ones. Push your stretched arms behind your ears and then bend them backwards and downwards - towards the floor.
Mini workout on Thursday
- 2 x 20 Leg Sliders
- 2 x 15 hip swivels (per side)
- 2 x 20 Squats
- 2 x 10 push-ups
Leg slider:Lie on your back with your legs extended upwards. The soles of the feet point towards the ceiling. Tighten your stomach and press the soles of your feet upwards using your abdominal strength. Raise the pelvis a few centimeters from the floor.
Hip rotation:Lie on your back. The legs are bent at about 90 degrees and the arms are stretched out to the side at shoulder height. Tense your stomach tightly and push your bent legs alternately to the right and left sides.
Squats:Stand upright with your legs slightly wider than hip-width apart. Knees and feet point slightly outwards. Tighten your stomach and buttocks and squat deeply. Push your bottom back and your upper body slightly forward.
Push-ups:Lie on your stomach. Then straighten your arms and push your body up so that the weight is only supported by your straight arms and the tips of your toes. Tense your stomach tightly. Make sure your hands are under your shoulders. The bottom should neither slide up nor sink down. Bend your arms and lower your upper body as low as you can. Alternatively, you can do the exercise on your knees.
Mini-Workout am Freitag
- 2 x 20 second forearm support
- 2 x 15 upper body twirls (per side)
- 2 x 15 deep lunges (per side)
- 2 x 15 Dips
Forearm support:Lie on your stomach. Support your forearms and push your body up so that the weight is supported only by your forearms and the tips of your toes. Make sure your elbows are under your shoulders and your bottom doesn't slide up or down. Tense your stomach tightly and hold the position. Advanced users can alternately lift one leg up.
Upper Body Twirls:Sit upright with your legs bent and your feet planted. Hold a dumbbell or exercise ball between both hands. Lean your upper body back a little, tense your stomach and turn your upper body alternately to the left and right with your arms outstretched.
Lunge:Stand upright, tense your stomach and buttocks. Take a large lunge forward with your right leg. Bend your leg 90 degrees; the knee should not extend past the tip of your foot. The left knee goes low towards the ground. Return to the starting position and lunge with your left leg.
Dips:Sit on the edge of a bed or sofa with your hands supported on the edges. Take a few steps forward with your feet so that your bottom is a few centimeters from the edge. The legs are bent. Bend your arms and lower your legs and bottom.
Mini workout on Saturday
- 2 x 20 Klappmesser
- 2 x 15 second side planks (each side)
- 1 x 15 one-leg bends (per side)
- 1 x 20 Squats
- 2 x 20 Bizeps-Curls
Folding knife:Sit upright with your legs stretched on the floor. Tense your stomach tightly and lean your upper body back a little. Lift your straight legs off the floor and bring your upper body and legs together and apart.
Side support:Lie on your right side with your body stretched. Tense your stomach and lift your upper body and legs off the floor. Shift your weight onto your right forearm and the edges of your feet. Make sure your elbow is under your shoulder. Beginners hold the side plank, advanced people make small up and down movements.
One-leg bends:Stand upright and shift your weight to your left leg. Bend your right leg backwards - ideally at a 90 degree angle. Tighten your stomach and bend your left leg deeply. For more balance, you can stretch your arms out to shoulder height.
Squats:Stand upright with your legs slightly wider than hip-width apart. Knees and feet point slightly outwards. Tighten your stomach and buttocks and squat deeply. Push your bottom back and your upper body slightly forward.
Bizeps-Curls:Hold a dumbbell or a filled 1.5 liter water bottle in each hand. The palms face upwards, the arms lie close to the body. Slowly lift the dumbbells and push them towards your upper body.
Free training on Sunday
Today you are FREE! If you like, you can of course do your favorite exercises to stay in training. You are of course free to schedule your training-free day on another day of the week. And next week it starts all over again.
© iStock
The best fitness exercises for your body type
© Sport, Christina Mannherz
Fitness exercises for apple, pear, column, hourglass figure types
Find out now what body type you are.Apple type(blue figure): Apple women have a soft, feminine and rounded shape in which body fat can accumulate predominantly in the chest, stomach, arms and upper back area. Women of this figure type often have very beautiful legs and a small, firm and toned bottom.Bulb type(green figure): Compared to the apple type, the pear woman tends to store her fat predominantly in the hips, buttocks, thighs and lower abdominal region. She has a firm upper body with delicate arms and hands as well as a flattering, long and narrow waist.Column type(red figure): Women with a classic columnar figure often have a very slim body. The figure is overall defined and muscular. This figure type, with low body fat, has similar measurements in the hips, waist and chest areas. As a result, soft and round shapes are hardly to be found in this straight figure type. Pillar women have an enviably flat stomach and a beautiful, long back area.Hourglass type(yellow figure): Hourglass women have bodies with very feminine shapes. Your body fat is evenly distributed between your upper body, stomach, buttocks and legs. They often have medium to large breasts and full, well-shaped hips. The waist sits high, is slim and characterizes the curves that characterize this figure type.
The idea for this special figure-type workout comes from Cologne fitness trainer Bernhard Koch (
© iStock
There is the right workout for every figure!
© Sport, Christina Mannherz
Fitness exercises for the apple type: Small circles
Trains arms and shoulders, stimulates fat burning
Moves dynamically on the spot. Raise your arms up to shoulder height and stretch them outwards to the sides of your body. Now draw small, tennis ball-sized circles forward with your arms. The shoulder remains low despite the arm extension.
2 x 1 Minute.
Note at the end:An active lifestyle with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise is still the best way to stay fit and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.