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In advance in the video: 4 tricks to move more in everyday life
Are your PO muscles active or already sitting through many sitting? Read here with which simple test you will find out immediately and what you should do if you suffer from the "Dead Butt Syndrome".
Let's be honest: we all want a crisp, fit butt - but the reality? Sitting for hours, little movement and the butt looks more like a platter pancake instead of like a crunchy apple.
In the fitness world there is a term for powerless POS: the "Dead Butt Syndrome". With a simple test, you can immediately find out whether you also suffer what the episodes of the apparent PO muscles have and how you can put your booty out of the Sleeping Beauty sleep.
2-second test: sit down-and get up again
Make it comfortable on a chair and then get up again - but without using your hands or arms. If that works: Congratulations, your buttocks are still alive!
But if you realize that you are struggling, wobbly wobbles or your arms urgently need as a support, you may suffer from the "Dead butt syndrome".
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What exactly is the "Dead butt syndrome"?
Sounds like a blatant medical emergency, but is actually only the result of too much sitting and too little activation of the buttock muscles.
If you stay in the same position for many hours a day, i.e. sitting for a long time, your PO muscles learn how to work properly. They become sluggish, weak and go into stand-by mode.
This not only ensures a flat booty, but can also have serious consequences for health. This includes:
- Passion problems: A weak butt can lead to your pool tilting and your spine is incorrectly loaded.
- Back pain: Since the gluteal muscles have a support function for the lower back, an inactive butt can lead to tension and pain in the lumbar spine.
- Less power in everyday life: When walking, running and even standing, your PO muscles are required-if they are weak, you have to pull more strength from other parts of the body, which can lead to overload.
The best PO exercises against the Dead butt syndrome
Don't worry, even if you should suffer from the "Dead Butt Syndrome", there is hope. With a few targeted exercises you can reactivate your PO muscles and defeat the "Dead Butt Syndrome".
Here are three effective exercises that you can easily integrate into your everyday life:
1. squat with kick
Ordinary squats, i.e. squats, but with an extra kick forward when you get up. This not only gets your bottom going, but also trains your balance.
Also read:
2. Step-ups
Get on a stable box or just on your stairs - first with the right, then with your left leg. Functional training that brings your butt again.
3. Pelvic lifting
Place on your back, feet on the floor and lift your pelvis up. Keep in a short, tense the buttocks and slowly lower it again. Extra bonus: one leg upwards for more intensity.
Here you will find even more effective!
I hope that you can revive your PO muscles with the tips and exercises. Not only the optics, but above all because of health.