Create a raised bed: These 5 layers are the secret of success

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Creating raised bed only with earth: why this is not a good idea

Can I only put my raised bed with earth?

Just fill a raised bed with soil? Not a good idea! Find out why the right layers for healthy plants are indispensable.

If you want to grow herbs, vegetables and fruit in your own garden, you have to pay attention to a lot. Because not every surface is suitable for a vegetable bed. In addition, it is often difficult to secure the bed in front of uninvited guests such as voles, moles or snails.

A practical alternative to floor -to -ceiling beds are raised beds. These usually consist of a box made of wood, metal, plastic or natural stone, which is filled with different materials such as coarse tree and shrub cuts, compost and earth.

Reading tip:

The advantages of a raised bed are obvious: you do not have to bend yourself during gardening and crouch uncomfortably. In addition, a raised bed offers better protection against snails and the like that you can use your compost waste.

But what if all of this is too complex for me. Can I only fill the raised bed with earth or do I have to expect vegetables and herbs to enter into? We'll tell you.

The layers in the raised bed ensure optimal nutrient supply

A raised bed not only has convenience. The different layers of materials provide oneOptimal ventilation and sufficient nutrient supplyFor vegetables and herbs.The raised bed works like a composter.If you fill it exclusively with earth, the effect of the natural decomposition process is unfortunately lost. And that would be a shame.

In addition, the main work is mainly at the beginning when creating the raised bed. You don't have to refill all layers every year. That is usually enough every five years. Over time, the raised bed sags a little. Therefore, you should refill compost and earth once a year. But that's it.

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If you only want to fill your raised bed with earth, you should mainly put grasses and ornamental plants in the bed. Vegetables and herbs have a higher nutrient requirement. Up beds are optimal for them.

These layers should have a raised bed

A raised bed usually consists of five layers. At the bottom there is a vole grille to safely protect the raised bed from uninvited guests. This is followed by rough woodcut consisting of branches and shrub waste.

The third layer is a fine treble cut, i.e. smaller branches and small-chopped remnants from the hedge cut or leaves. Then follows coarse compost and a thin layer of rotted compost as a fifth layer. Only then does the earth follow.

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