Do you want colorful moths in the garden? Instead of on butterfly lilac, you should better rely on these four perennials to attract butterflies in the long term.
(Buddleja) is one of the most popular decorative shrubs in Germans. Although he attracts falter and other flight insects in droves, the plant is not really insect -friendly.
The reason: the caterpillars of many butterfly species do not eat the leaves. That is why the flight insects rarely put their eggs on the plant. This in turn ensures that fewer birds populate the garden. Butterfly lilac is also onethat can disturb the domestic flora.
If you want to lure butterflies and birds into the garden and do a service to nature, you should better set other plants. Namely those that at the same time serve the folds and their caterpillars as food. Four butterfly -friendly perennials come here.
1. Fetthenne
With its large pink to pink flower plates, the Fetthenne not only delights garden owners from August to October. Butterflies also love the nectar of the robust plant.
IncidentallyButterfly of 2024) Even the juicy leaves of the fat henne belong to the body dishes.
Since it is with theApollo butterfliesA species that endangered in Europe, do something for species protection when planting fathenne into your garden.
Here you can order extraordinary fathenne with dark red leaves at Baldur Garden*

Reading tip:
2. Phlox
Phlox, also known as flame flower, is one of the most lavish and most colorful perennials in our gardens.
The shining flowers magically attract our eye and butterflies such as the daily cake eye or the large swallow tail. The pretty perennial serves as a source of food for their caterpillars to the aurora.
Phlox prefers a sunny to partially shaded location and grows particularly well on relaxed, nutrient -rich soil.
Here you can buy a great four-colored phlox mix for your garden*

3. thistles
Thistles like the male litter, the ring thistle or the scratch thistle are spiky beauties that not only enjoy owners of natural gardens. The plants really make something with their pinks, purple, blue or silver balls in the bed and attract butterflies in droves.
The thistle butterfly on the plant particularly likes to make themselves comfortable and take on their nectar. These types of butterfly also prefer to lay their eggs on the plant.

4. Thymian
Thyme not only tastes good, but also butterflies! The Mediterranean fragrant herb blooms from May to October and is therefore one of the permanent bloomers in the bed.
A real feast for insects that are abandoned on the small purple flowers. The caterpillars of the small bluebells serve as a feeding plant.
Reading tip:
The great thing about thyme: he is quite grateful and also tolerates plump sun and barren soils. You can also use it as a flowering and insect -friendly ground cover.
There is a fantastically beautiful ground cover thyme with purple flowers at Baldur-Garten*

Also exciting:
Expert tip for more butterflies in the garden
I also have with meMattias Nemethspoken about the topic of butterflies in the garden. He is an expert for insect -friendly gardens and specialist editor
His tip to make the garden more butterfly -friendly without having to put it up completely:
“If you have butterfly lilac in the garden, you should plant nettle, meadow foam or garlic rough below the shrub. Butterflies like to put their eggs on these domestic plants. So your garden becomes more animal -friendly without much effort. "
Are you interested in gardening? Then have a look on our new websiteLandIDEE.deover. Our expert editorial team shares your personal tips and tricks and important plant knowledge there so that your garden becomes even more beautiful and your thumb becomes even greener!
If you want to learn more about the topic, then I also recommend that to youInformation from the nature conservation organization BUNDOr the articles of theFederal Office for Nature Conservation.