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Is your laundry clammy, rock hard and from the dryer with wrinkles? This gadget from Tchibo is finally over.
Let's be honest: a dryer is already an absolute gamuchanger doing laundry. Sure, the immense power consumption of the household device is a real shortcoming, but it is simply practical if you don't always have to hang everything on the clothes stand.
But as practical as a dryer can be, it is annoying when the laundry does not come out in the end as you want. Either it is still slightly damp, extremely crumpled or feels uncomfortably hard.
Even though the device ran an perceived eternity and eaten a lot of electricity. I also had this problem - until Iat Tchibo a small but brilliant gadget discovered*, all of them5 problemsSuddenly solves.
The Tchibo dryer balls are simply awesome
For me it is clear: theDryer balls made of Tchibo wool* make a huge difference in my laundry.
You will currently get it from Tchibo for8,99 Euro. But be quick, because only a few are available.
These small, inconspicuousTchibo balls* Solve 5 problems at once. On the one hand, the laundry is better ventilated when dryingless timeneeds to dry - which in turnlower energy consumptiontakes care of your dryer.
In addition, the laundry is not onlysoft, but also hasfewer. This is an absolute gamuchanger, especially with towels and bed linen, but also for dry clothing.
And if yours, you can just drizzle a few drops of a essential oil onto the balls and add them to your laundry in the dryer to give it a fresh fragrance.
If you should no longer get the great everyday helpers from Tchibo, you can have a similar oneOrder product from Amazon*.
The balls ofAmazon* andTchibo* Consist 100 % of wool and are therefore a sustainable alternative to chemical fabric fillers or plastic dryer balls. They are also durable and reusable so that you can use them again and again without constantly buying new ones.
You can find more household gadgets at Tchibo*
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