Feeding birds in winter: You should avoid these mistakes (say experts)

Birds should be fed in winter. However, experts warn against mistakes. We'll tell you what you should pay attention to.

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Most people are happy when their balcony or garden is visited by wild birds - especially in winter. A bird-friendly design of the garden and balcony can even attract birds all year round.

But how useful is it to feed wild birds and should you offer them something to eat all year round? What does the optimal feeding place look like and which mixtures are suitable for feeding? We clarify the most important questions and biggest mistakes when it comes to feeding birds.

Is it good or bad to feed birds?

The question of whether feeding birds makes sense continues to concern experts. However, most people assume that wild birds have problems finding enough food, especially during cold winters. According to most experts, setting up feeding stations in nature, in the garden or on the balcony makes sense.

However, it is a fallacy that feeding in winter serves to effectively preserve and protect endangered bird species. Because usually the same 10 to 15 species are always found at the feeding places, namely those that are less threatened anyway. The birds that actually need protection don't get it from feeding.

Mistake 1: Feeding birds at the wrong time of year

According to most experts, feeding birds makes sense in winter, specifically from November to the end of February. Especially when it is very cold or there is even snow and frost, many birds gratefully accept the offer because the ground is frozen and many plants are covered in snow. Another advantage: The cold keeps the feeding area hygienic.

It's completely different in summer: salmonella or other - even fatal - pathogens can then infect the birds. Birds should therefore only be fed with great caution in summer, if at all, he recommendsNABU.

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Mistake 2: Using the wrong bird food

Different species of birds also have different needs. However, almost all species eatSunflower seeds, so they are well suited as basic food. Special feed mixtures usually contain various seeds and thus attract different types of birds.

Sparrows, tits or finchesusually prefergrain mixtures. The so-called ones are particularly suitable for titsFat balls, as they contain a mixture of seeds and fat. Important: When buying, make sure that the dumplings are not wrapped in nets as the birds can get caught in them.

Robins, blackbirds or wrensbelong to thesoft food eaters. That means yours for themFruit, oatmeal or raisinscan offer. But what you should always avoid is bread. It is not suitable as bird food because it swells in the birds' stomachs. Leftover food such as potato peelings or bacon are also not suitable.

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3. Mistake: Buying inferior food

Bird food mixtures are available in supermarkets, drugstores or pet shops. When shopping, you shouldn't just grab the first thing you see, but rather choose one with high-quality components that the birds will really benefit from.

>You can buy high-quality wild bird food here at ZooRoyal.*

Another problem with cheap feed mixtures: They often contain ragweed, a plant introduced from North America that is believed to be responsible for the increase in allergies in our country. When buying bird food, it is best to pay attention to the label “Ambrosia controlled” or “Ambroasia free”.

Even better: mix the feed yourself from selected, suitable grains.

4. Mistake: Not paying attention to seasonal characteristics when feeding birds

What many people also don't know: it's between April and JulyBoy feeding timet and the bird food that many use during the winter can be harmful to young birds.

During the first few weeks they should only be given insects from their parents as they can choke on large kernels, nuts and seeds. If you want to feed birds at this time, you shouldPlant fresh or frozen insect food or small seeds of local wild herbs.

5. Mistake: The wrong place for the bird feeder

Most of us want to keep an eye on the bird feeder so we can observe the birds. In the best case scenario, there should be no window panes in the immediate vicinity, as the reflection can be fatal to the birds.

Trees and bushes in the area can serve as cover for the birds from aerial enemies. In addition, the feeding station should be located where enemies such as cats cannot sneak up on you secretly.

One problem with simply scattering bird seed on the ground or serving it on a plate: It can attract rats. To avoid this, you should use hanging feeders or ones that are mounted on an elevated platform. The leftover food that has fallen from higher-up bird feeders should still be swept up daily, as these can also attract rats.

Tipp:More exciting information on the topicFeeding birds, the colleagues from LandIDEE have ready.

6. Mistake: Neglecting hygiene when feeding birds

Bird feeders may look cute, but they also pose a risk: because the animals walk around in the food, they can contaminate it with feces. The feeder should therefore be washed regularly with hot water.

So-called feed silos are more suitable. With the feed dispensers, pathogens cannot spread as easily and the food stays fresh longer. Important: They should be hung in a place protected from wind and weather.You can buy feeders for wild birds here at Otto, for example.*

Mistake 7: Not offering water to birds

Especially when there is frost, wild birds not only have problems finding solid food. Because their usual water sources are usually frozen over or covered in snow. That's why it's important that you provide water for the birds on the balcony or in the garden. Make sure to change it regularly to prevent it from becoming contaminated or freezing over.


Bird feeders and suet balls: NABU gives tips on bird feeding