Your white laundry is never enough to get a machine? With these simple tricks, the problem is solved in no time.
Do you know that? You have a few white shirts, a bright blouse and maybe a towel in the laundry - but this is miles away from a full machine. So you wait ... and wait ... and after weeks the laundry is finally enough, but unfortunately it is already borderline.
The good news: There are clever tricks to never stand in front of a half -empty machine. Here are the best solutions for your dilemma with light laundry!
1. For a week, put on light clothing for a week
The simplest solution: attract light clothing more often. Sounds banal, but if you carry more white or bright outfits for a few days, you have a full machine together much faster.
It does not always have to be the classic white blouse (which of course you can of course still wear in the restaurant for the office or dinner), but also light T-shirts for sports or the right white dress as soon as the temperatures rise again.
2. Thinking bed linen and towels
If the white or light clothing is just never enough for a machine, then you should think of bed linen and towels. A fitted bed sheet and the machine is full.
Important: Pay attention to the information on the clothes labels. Bed linen and towels usually tolerate hotter washing temperatures as clothing.
3. Use intelligent washing machine
Modern washing machines are now really smart: You can see how much laundry is loaded and automatically adapt water and energy consumption. So if you really have to start half a machine, thanks to this technology, this is no longer quite as wasteful.
Tipp:If your washing machine cannot do this, use the short program or the ECO key-they often save water and electricity.
4. Mix the clothes clever
You can actually break rules. Not every light laundry has to be washed strictly with white. Pastel colors such as bright shades of gray, beige, pastel colors or even light yellow can often be washed with white without any problems - as long as they are color right.
AColor and dirt catcher cloth(Order here on Amazon*) In the machine, also helps to avoid unwanted gray bars.
Tipp:Wash new, colored clothing separately beforehand to ensure that it does not rub off.
5. Form laundry community
Development community? Family? Close friend: nearby? Then it can be worthwhile to combine wash loads. If your roommate has even two white blouses or your partner has the same laundry problem - why not wash together and get the machine full?
Tipp:Mark your laundry with small ribbons or nets so that nothing gets mixed up.
Can I let the machine run half full?
Letting a half -full washing machine run from time to time is not a drama - sometimes there is simply no other way, for example, if you urgently need clean clothes. It only becomes problematic when this becomes a habit.
The reason: frequent washes mean more work cycles for the machine, and each time the drum has to rotate, pump up and pump water on and pump up and run the heating elements. This leads to a higher wear of seals, storage and the pump.
In addition, the environment is unnecessarily stressed because more energy and water are used than would be necessary. This also adds up to electricity and water costs in the long run.