As people get older, it becomes difficult for many people to achieve and maintain their dream figure. Losing weight at 50 is a particularly big challenge for women becausewith menopauseThere are also numerous hormonal problems. As hormone production decreases, fat deposits begin to be deposited not only on the hips and buttocks, but also on the arms and stomach. There is also the fact that from the age of 50, the optimal number of calories per day is 1100 calories. Actually too small to reduce it. But that doesn't mean giving up and losing hope. When diet plans and healthy eating no longer help, other strategies can help.
Losing weight at 50: New rules apply after menopause
Losing weight at 50 is a challenge. But if you set a few rules in your 40s and stick to them, you can stay slim for life. Here are some tips that can speed up weight loss:
1. Sport after 50 should become an inseparable part of everyday life. The important thing is to stay active. Longer walks in nature are usually enough to lose weight. If you would like to try a new sport, you can't go wrong with swimming or yoga. They stimulate the metabolism. Jogging, on the other hand, is unfavorable for beginners because it puts more strain on the knee joints.
2. Low carb nutrition is ideal for anyone who wants to achieve and maintain their dream figure. Women over 50 can start the day with a carbohydrate-rich and filling breakfast and then reduce the protein content throughout the day. The goal is clear: low insulin levels.
3. Buy seasonal fruits and vegetables. Statistically, seasonal fruits and vegetables contain fewer pesticides. They also taste delicious and you can use them to prepare seasonal dishes as well as salads.
4. Massages help with tension and back pain and have a positive effect on the entire body. This is important because you can only start your daily training if you feel comfortable.
5. Dancing is fun and keeps you fit even after 50. Dancing offers another advantage: it trains correct posture and also helps to keep the body upright in everyday life. In this way, back and neck pain can be avoided, among other things.
6.Helps against cravingsthe 16:8 diet. Stars like Jennifer Anniston swear by it and find that longer breaks between meals have a positive effect on the body and help against bloating.