Prevent Alzheimer's with diet - Mediterranean diet protects the brain

That you can solve puzzles and be preventive for good brain healthKeep your brain fitis supposed to be known to everyone. But many underestimate the influence of healthy foods. Because you can also prevent dementia diseases such as Alzheimer's with diet! Here's what you should consume to reduce your risk of Alzheimer's:

The right foods stimulate fat burning, make skin and hair beautiful and help build muscle - all things that most of us already know. But don't forget that a healthy diet can also prevent illness. A study in the journal Neurology has now found that a specific diet can also improve cognitive health and thus prevent Alzheimer's.

It's about thatMediterranean diet. Experts at the Mayo Clinic point out that this diet focuses on lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. In the study, this diet was tested on 343 people at risk of Alzheimer's. These participants were compared with 169 people who were not at increased risk. The result showed that the Mediterranean diet provides protection against memory disorders. So you can prevent Alzheimer's with diet.

How the Mediterranean diet protects

Two proteins are responsible for the development of dementia - amyloid and tau. These clump together and tangle together to form plaque, disrupting the function of brain cells, according to the National Institute of Aging. Study participants who ate a Mediterranean diet had lower levels of these proteins in their brains. So you can prevent Alzheimer's with diet, but also other dementias.

“Our study suggests that a diet high in unsaturated fats, fish, fruits and vegetables and low in dairy and red meat may actually protect your brain from protein builduplead to memory loss and dementiacan,” says the author of the study Tommaso Ballarini from the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE).

“Most people aren't aware that it's possible to take control of your brain health, but this study shows us just that,” adds Richard Isaacson, director of the Alzheimer's Prevention Clinic at Weill Cornell Medicine and New York Presbyterian Hospital, who was not involved in the study.

Eat Mediterranean – live healthy

Not only can you prevent Alzheimer's with this type of diet, the Mediterranean diet can also reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, certain cancers such as colon and breast cancer, and type 2 diabetes. It also proves to be very beneficial against depression.