Every year more than 40,000 people develop Alzheimer's disease. The risk of dementia also increases with increasing age. The disease cannot be cured and the currently available medications can only help most patients to a limited extent. Doctors and scientists repeatedly point out certain preventative measures that can effectively protect us from dementia. It's not just a healthy diet and lots of exercise that play an important role. It is also very important to stay mentally active. If you train your brain, you can effectively prevent dementia.
Prevent dementia: Stay mentally fit
Mathematical tasks, puzzles, creative hobbies: researchers offer numerous methods for brain training. A new study from the University of Tampa, Florida, researches the effect of different methods on cognitive abilities. Over 2,500 people over 70 years old were divided into four groups. The first group did memory exercises, the second - exercises that promote logical thinking and the third trained their reaction speed. The results were evaluated several times over a 10-year period and compared with those of the control group. TheScientists were able to determinethat the exercises that promoted logical thinking and memory in the subjects were not very effective as preventive measures. In the experimental group where reaction speed was practiced, the risk of Alzheimer's disease was reduced by 30% after 10 years.
Learn new languages
Even as you get older, you should continue to be socially active. Social contacts keep the brain active, offer variety in everyday life and also promote learning ability. Another good idea is a cultural vacation: This way you can learn something new during your vacation and improve your memory.
To study theResearchers in Tampa, Florida