Can you lose unusual weight? New methods for losing weight in an atypical way!

Many people, especially women, wonder whether it is possible to lose weight without dieting or exercising. Now scientists have been able to conduct some unusual experiments and make discoveries that could help achieve an ideal figure. These methods do not require rigorous fitness training or adherence to strict diet plans. The main role is actually played by the brain if you can stimulate it visually and intellectually. But what exactly is behind this approach?

Novel ways to lose weight

American researchers believe that the smarter a person and the higher his IQ, the better chance he has of not being overweight. However, this is more difficult for adults because brain function also declines with age. However, when it comes to young children, they can lose weight quickly because their brain has to store a lot of new information. In addition, the body burnsfaster in moments of active brain workexcess calories in old age. But what other ways are there to keep your weight under control?

Activate visual perception

For example, by looking at large photos of food, it acts on your brain as an appetite suppressant. This conclusion was reached by scientists from universities in Denmark and China. The specialists conducted an experiment with two groups of participants. The researchers showed the first group of participants a photo of food with sweets three times, while they showed it 30 times to the second group.

While looking at the sweets, the subjects had to imagine eating them. At the end of the study, participants had to answer how much candy they would actually like to eat. The group of participants who viewed the photos more often reported a significantly lower number. So if your eyes are “full” at first, you can lose weight quickly.

Another unusual way to lose weight is to serve dishes on a contrasting plate. The research results of a study from the USA showed that in this case the participants would eat a much smaller portion than if the food corresponded to the size of the plate.

Lose weight through other senses

A research team from Japan claims that the secret to an ideal figure may lie in the smell of grapefruit. Although the scientists have only carried out the experiment with laboratory mice, the aroma of grapefruit activated the sympathetic nervous system in the rodents. This restricted the activity of their gastrointestinal tract, which promoted fat loss. However, things looked different with the smell of lavender, as the test animals began to gain weight more actively.

Exposing the body to cold can also contribute to weight loss, with moderately low temperatures, between 10 and 13 degrees, boosting metabolism. Scientists from the USA conducted an experiment on this. The results showed that obese mice exposed to cold not only lost body weight but also improved insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. In addition, inflammation caused by obesity was reduced in the animals' bodies.

Finally, according to British researchers, another option is to achieve better weight loss through chewing gum. In your opinion, excess can be doneBurn calories more easily, if you chew gum within 45 minutes of each meal. The results of an experiment conducted by the scientists with 60 participants showed that chewing gum helps suppress the return of appetite and also reduces cravings for salty and sweet foods.