Two cute baby pandas are the newest residents of the Berlin Zoo. Mother Meng Meng gave birth to two healthy babies on Saturday evening after a 5-month pregnancy. The staff at the Berlin Zoo spoke up yesterday and surprised everyone with the good news. These are the first pandas born in Germany.
Berlin Zoo: The newborn baby pandas are doing well
The good news thrilled Berlin. Even the mayor wished the new mom all the best. The six-year-old female panda Meng Meng has been living in the Berlin Zoo with the male Jiao Qing, who is three years older than her, for more than two years. In April last year, the two pandas were let into an enclosure together for the first time and the results didn't take long to arrive. Since pandas are solitary creatures in nature and are only ready to mate for three days a year, this pregnancy is considered a huge success. Even more so: Pandas are at high risk of extinction in China. They are therefore bred in special zoos with the aim of one day being released into the wild and thereby strengthening the population.
China also lends pandas to zoos in other countries through so-called loan agreements. The young animals will stay in Berlin for the next two to three years and then be transported to China.
Berlin Zoo is also happy about two young seals
In early July, two days apart, two female seals gave birth to two harbor seals. The little ones grow very quickly and are already independent after two months. They can swim and are an integral part of the seal group. Visitors can also look forward to the new addition and can see the little seals during a visit to the zoo.
Seals have long been considered an endangered species. However, after hunting the animals was banned, the population was able to recover successfully. They are found on the northern coasts of the Northern Hemisphere.