For a long time, eggs were considered unhealthy. They contain a lot of cholesterol and high cholesterol levels can lead to cardiovascular diseases and increase the risk of heart attacks. But these days there are more and more new onesStudies published, which prove that even one egg a day can be consumed safely and does not pose a health risk. That's why experts recommend not banning eggs from your diet.
Eggs cannot increase cholesterol levels
The egg contains up to 200 mg of cholesterol. Previous studies from the USA had suggested that this can increase cholesterol levels, which significantly increases the risk of a heart attack. But new studies are now intended to prove that this is a misunderstanding.
The first study was conducted by oneTeam of researchersfrom medical research centers and institutes in Michigan, Seattle and Salt Lake. They observed the eating habits of the test subjects and compared and analyzed the data from 7 studies conducted with their results. Ultimately, they found no connection between elevated cholesterol and increased egg consumption.
Their colleagues in Wuhan, China, also came to similar results. They have concluded that egg consumption neither increases nor decreases the risk of heart attacks.
Cholesterol and Diet: Eggs are safe if you eat an otherwise healthy diet
What do the results actually mean and why are eggs harmless to our health despite their high cholesterol content? Scientists believe that eggs are only an accompanying food and do not have a negative effect on their ownaffect cholesterol levelscan. It depends on the entire diet: people in the USA, for example, like to eat fried eggs with fried bacon, while in Germany boiled eggs are served with rolls and vegetables. The experts therefore recommend not just concentrating on individual food groups, but rather ensuring a healthy and varied diet.
Eggs also contain important vitamins, are suppliers of healthy minerals, proteins and unsaturated fatty acids. So you don't need to worry about increased egg consumption at Easter. It is much more important that you exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet overall and don't smoke.