For many men and women, hair loss is an absolute horror scenario. While men often start looking for bare spots or receding councils in the early 20s, the diagnosis for women usually comes as a surprise and suddenly. But whether a man or woman, whoever suffers from hair loss, often has follow -up problems of a mental nature, for example depression or feelings of inferiority. Therefore, the patients often spend a lot of money on advertised “miracle cures” or undergo painful operations. But what methods bring an improvement at all and what is the optimal treatment option for you? What are the basis of your hair loss and what chances do you have with the therapy? Here are the ten most common questions:
How does hair loss arise?
The most common diagnoses are: hereditary or hormonal. But mostly becomeNumerous influencesneglected and therefore efficient therapy impossible. The causes of hair loss can be very diverse in men and women. Several factors often play together. Possible causes are, for example:
Psychological stress from stress, grief, concerns, depression, etc.
- thyroid problems
- Hormonal disorders (this also includes pregnancy, menopause or anti -Babopille)
- heavy metal or toxin loads made of varnishes, adhesives, colors, solvents or similar.
-Medicine intake (chemotherapeutic agent, beta-blocker, thyroid medication and much more)
- radiation
- tooth fillings (mercury, palladium or similar)
- Chemically stressed hair care and styling products
- one -sided diets
Always lead to hair loss?
Women suffer from this particularly often in menopause. The cause lies in the conversion of the hormone balance. This happens similarly when taking or stopping the anti -Babopill or after pregnancy. Due to the particularly long duration of the menopause, hair loss is usually significantly significant here. However, whether and how strongly hair loss occurs in menopause depends to a great extent on the physical peculiarities of every woman. Thanks tohomeopathicOr hormonal means, the hair loss can now be treated very well in menopause or even prevented. The fear of losing hair in menopause is therefore usually unfounded these days. A timely going to the doctor can create clarification.
Can the intake of hormones help?
Depending on what the cause is, many women use a doctor after advice on hormonal preparations. After all, the hormones are a load -bearing factor in hair growth: the female hormones, i.e. the estrogens, promote hair growth while the male testosterone inhibits it. Therefore, taking testosterone inhibitors or estrogen capsules in women is a possible measure, provided they are prescribed after a visit to a doctor. Men, in turn, often have no way to use hormone preparations or the ropes of anti -Babil. Therefore, the so -called "finasteride" is often prescribed for hair loss. However, a lifelong intake can bring side effects that are explained on the website of the center of health, with himself and after stopping the medication, it could make it easier to worsen again/that depends on each individual case/. It is therefore often a permanent, if not lifelong decision for or against hormone intake. With regard to hormone therapies, everyone should therefore advise themselves with the doctor - they can best assess whether one is necessary or not.
To what extent does nutrition play a role?
In fact, a wrong nutrition can also be the reason for this. Every tenth woman suffers from iron deficiency. Almost as many of the lack of protein, which can primarily arise from a vegetarian or vegan diet. Malnutrition, for example, through bulimia or particularly one -sided diets, can also withdraw the necessary minerals to the hair. In addition, the scientists now speculate about the influence of the acid-base balance on the hair. A nutrition that is too acidic can also lead to hair loss. A list of which foods are acidic and which are basic is available, for
What are the treatment options?
There is no standard therapy. Finally, the cause has to be applied, and according to point one, this can consist of numerous different factors, often even in combination. In the event of a circular hair loss, a cortisone -containing solution can sometimes help, with diffuse hair loss, the diet is usually changed or the patient can undergo a hair transplant. Capsules with cystine and B vitamins have often led to therapy success. The better the diagnosis, the more targeted and faster the treatment can work. Close cooperation with the specialist is therefore definitely necessary.
Can over -the -counter remedies from the pharmacy help?
In advertising, advertising is promoted for numerous different means that are supposed to stop or reverse hair loss. Their effectiveness is usually not proven. However, there are also means that have been proven to be successful against hair loss. But only if a concrete diagnosis has been determined. Here, too, it is definitely advisable to go to the doctor before use.
What options does the doctor have to help?
Through hair, skin or blood samples, the doctor can clarify where the hair loss comes from, for example there is a thyroid problem or iron deficiency. A hormone level can also be created. The more precisely the diagnosis is, the better the specialist can adapt the therapy to the patient. Often it is therapy, e.g. the treatment method of hå, which is a change in diet, the use of additives, special shampoos and much more. combined together.
What happens with a transplant?
At the latest since Jürgen Klopp's hair transplant, this alternative has been socially known as a treatment method and largely accepted. However, it should only be used if no other therapy has helped. After all, it is an invasive intervention, i.e. an operation, with the associated risks. During the intervention, not only the hair itself, but above all the associated follicles from the densities arebaretransplanted. So new hair should be able to grow back later. However, if you wait too long, you may no longer have enough "donor hair". The right time for hair transplant is therefore a matter of weighing up. The donation follicle, together with the skin, is usually taken from the back of the head and stunned locally. The skin strip is finally divided into small parts with five hair and punched into the scalp by holes, where the hair should later grow. After about three months, the first new hair can be seen here.
How expensive is the surgical intervention?
Depending on the extent of the procedure, the costs vary. On average, however, a hair transplant is a proud 2000 euros. Caution should be exercised for cheap special offers. Unfortunately, there are also dubious providers on the market every now and then.
How high are the chances of success and what are the risks?
Despite the high price, there is no explicit guarantee of success. So sooner or later the bald head could return. In addition, open wounds arise from the intervention that could potentially cause infection or form scars. However, everyone can get detailed advice from the doctor for the risks.
The article should only give readers an idea of the different variants for hair loss therapies. But we strongly recommend that you get advice from the doctor in every single case - only he can prescribe suitable therapy inclusive / if necessary / medicine!