Itching, redness of the skin and frequent skin rashes: Around a tenth of all children and 3% of adults in Germany struggle with neurodermatitis. The skin disease is characterized by a gradual progression. It is currently not clear what exactly causes the disease. Possible triggers include some food allergies. The connection between the consumption of certain foods and the phase with acute symptoms has even been scientifically proven. However, since the disease progresses differently for everyone, the doctors tailor the therapy and diet to the personal needs of each individual patient. Nevertheless, there are several guidelines on what should generally be avoided and what those affected can safely eat. We will give you some tips for your diet if you have neurodermatitis and explain which onesFoods that alleviate symptomsand which ones could make them worse.
Nutrition for neurodermatitis: The causes are different
Neurodermatitis is a skin disease that can first appear in infancy. Researchers have shown that babies who experience their first phase of neurodermatitis under the age of one can later develop food allergies. In the majority of affected small children, such an allergy can be diagnosed through an allergy test. The good news: Toddlers often grow until they are 14 years oldthe skin diseaseand young people and adults between the ages of 20 and 30 suffer from eczema significantly less often. However, if the children develop a food allergy, they will have to deal with it for the rest of their lives. This makes it all the more important to discuss the right nutrition for babies with your pediatrician. Here are some tips that can help guide you:
Nutrition for neurodermatitis: baby
Babies can suffer from both food intolerances and allergies. The latter can trigger the skin disease neurodermatitis. But how can you tell the two apart when the symptoms are actually very similar?
Allergies:IgE antibodies are often found after testing in babies and toddlers under 10 years of age. IgE, an abbreviation for Immunoglobulin E, is a substance that the body produces as a defense against harmful viruses and bacteria.In case of allergyThe antibody is formed as a defense against actually harmless foods. Many children grow out of this intolerance. It remains unclear why babies first develop an allergy and then a tolerance.
Intolerances:Intolerances are more likely to be digestive problems. This means that the baby cannot digest some foods. The symptoms are usually diarrhea, flatulence and colic. Intolerances do not grow out.
Nutrition for neurodermatitisMaking the switch can prove to be a real challenge. Ideally, infants should be breastfed or fed a hydrolyzed formula product for at least the first 6 months. From six months onwards, an allergy test for cow's milk, wheat, eggs and possibly various nuts is carried out. In most cases, parents can diagnose allergies even without testing. For the majority of babies under one year of age, skin redness occurs one to two hours after ingesting allergens.
It is best for parents to create a nutrition plan with the help of their pediatricianIntroduce complementary foods gradually, and add a new ingredient every 4-5 days. This makes it possible to determine in good time whether the baby tolerates the new ingredient well or not.
Nutrition for neurodermatitis in children
In contrast to babies, most children of kindergarten and school age can be diagnosed with allergies or intolerances through tests. If a food allergy is suspected, the pediatrician usually carries out provocation tests. The so-called omission diet is an alternative. Intolerances such as fructose intolerance can be determined with a breath test.
If the first symptoms of the skin disease neurodermatitis appear, then in most cases a change in diet is necessary. The most important thing here is to create a nutrition plan together with a doctor. It is also important to avoid foods that could trigger flare-ups or make the itching worse.
The goal of a nutrition plan is to avoid only the individual triggers. The following basic principles apply:
- As few white flour products as possibleconsume. They contain acid-forming substances that can inflame the skin. An alternative to this is spelled, rice, soy or millet flour.
- Avoid sweets with a high sugar content completely.They can trigger flare-ups and make itching worse. Suitable substitutes for cookies, cakes, chocolate and cream include dried fruit or certain sweet fruits such as mango. After 1-2 months, homemade baked goods can be sweetened with honey.
- Cow's milk, chicken eggs, fish, seafood, pork, tomatoes and citrus fruits are generally considered poorly tolerated foods. Parents should definitely not exclude these foods from the menu! Only if an allergy has been identified through tests can the doctor replace certain foods with others. Otherwise, consumption is considered harmless!
- At least two handfuls of vegetableseat daily. Broccoli, spinach, onion, garlic and lamb's lettuce are known for their anti-inflammatory effects.
- At leasta handful of fruits with low sugar contentsuch as blueberries, coconut, strawberries, apricots and watermelon consume daily. Even sugary fruits like apples don't have to be excluded from the menu. There are now varieties Idared or Gloster, which contain very little sugar.
One from the pediatricianfixed dietHowever, small patients should not adhere to this for too long. Doctors usually check every 6 to 8 months to see if the allergy still exists.
Nutrition for neurodermatitis in adults
While proper nutrition has a preventive and therapeutic effect on babies and small children, it can only help to a limited extent in adults. One thing is certain: it is not possible to cure neurodermatitis with diet. However, if adults change their diet, they can extend the symptom-free intervals.
In adults, the chronic skin disease is usually due to a cross allergy. This is about a pollen-associated reaction to food. According to studies, people who have a pollen allergy often also develop a food allergy. For example, patients with birch pollen allergy experience severe itching after eating fruits such as peaches, apricots, cherries and nuts such as hazelnuts and walnuts. Below we list other examples of cross allergy:
- Anyone who is allergic to grain pollen can develop an allergy to grain flour.
- People who are primarily allergic to olive pollen may develop a food allergy to pineapple and horseradish.
- The grass pollen can cause an allergic reaction to peas,Kiwis, soy, tomatoes and watermelon.
In adults, symptoms of an allergy can also suddenly appear without being an allergy sufferer. This is a pseudo allergy. This refers to an overreaction to food additives in which the body releases the inflammatory mediator histamine. In contrast to allergies, where the release of histamine is triggered by the binding of allergens to antibodies, in pseudoallergy an “arbitrary” inflammatory reaction takes place. Ultimately, the person affected experiences allergy-like symptoms without being allergic themselves. Here is a list of possible trigger substances in foods:
- Certain azo dyes such as tartrazine (labeled E102 on the package), which is used to color candy.
- Sorbic acid (also known as hexadienoic acid, listed on packaging as E 200) is one of the preservatives that is contained in fruit spreads, preserving sugar, margarine, cheese and some sausages.
- Monosodium glutamate (E 621). Canned food, various instant vegetable soups or powdery mashed potatoes and ready-made salad dressings contain the flavor enhancer.
- Aspartame (E 951) is often found in “sugar-free” drinks, jellies, canned fruits, spreads and jams.
What can adults actually eat and what not if they have neurodermatitis? Unfortunately, there is no general diet for neurodermatitis, but there are some basic principles you can follow. This is how the symptoms can be alleviated to some extent:
1. Avoid foods that are poorly tolerated and replace them with foods that are well tolerated. Of course, you should first discuss the list with your doctor.
Here we offer you a table with the foods that are often poorly tolerated by patients with neurodermatitis, as well as their healthy alternatives. This table should only serve as a guide, because with the help of your doctor you can, over time, sort out the foods that can actually trigger a neurodermatitis attack and make the symptoms worse.
2. Prepare the food yourself. This is the only way to ensure that the dishes are truly free of preservatives and colorings that are responsible for pseudo-allergic reactions. In addition, many ready meals contain traces of eggs, milk, etc. Even in small amounts, they can trigger an allergic reaction or a neurodermatitis rash.
3. Try to reduce consumption of foods that contain histamine. According to studies, the majority of patients with neurodermatitis also suffer from histamine intolerance. Foods rich in histamine include cured sausages, products containing marinated or salted fish, and hard cheeses with a maturation period of over 2 months.
4. Avoid caffeinated drinks if you currently have a rash. They can make itching worse. There are numerous alternatives in this regard and you should opt for a healthy alternative.
5. A vegan diet can have a positive effect on neurodermatitis. An important reason for this is that vegans rely on raw food, fruit and vegetables. If you decide to do this, you should create a nutrition plan and ensure a balanced diet. A nutritionist can help in this regard.