Naturally against rosacea and other skin diseases

It itches, feels tight and burns. Skin diseases are unpleasant. Given redness and pimples, skin diseases are also an aesthetic problem for many. The physical complaints are often accompanied by psychological problems. Those affected sometimes prefer to hide and not go out the door at all. The result is a disturbed self-confidence. But that doesn't have to be the case! Medication, the right skin care and proven natural remedies can provide visible and noticeable improvement in skin diseases.

Help skin diseases! What can I do against acne?

Acne is one of the most common skin problems. The disease is characterized by excessive sebum production. In medicine, two forms of acne are differentiated as skin diseases. The disease acne vulgaris usually first appears in adolescence and usually subsides before the age of 30.Acne inversaHowever, it usually only becomes apparent between the ages of 20 and 30. The course of this form of acne is usually chronic. The exact causes have not yet been clarified; smoking, obesity and genetic predisposition apparently play a role in the development of inflamed hair roots and purulent thickenings. To avoid scarring and the spread of purulent pimples, the pustules should not be squeezed out yourself.

Instead, treatment by a dermatologist is recommended. This can initiate the necessary steps. Certain antibacterial ointments and tablets are prescribed for acne. In the advanced stage of acne inversa, which occurs only rarely, surgical interventions are usually necessary to treat the affected tissue. Both types of acne may be associated with a hormonal imbalance and are more common in women than men. Female sufferers often respond positively to treatment with the contraceptive pill. In addition, regular skin cleansing is recommended. However, harsh cleaning agents should be avoided. If you tend to have dry skin, you should avoid greasy creams and instead use moisturizing lotions. Ingredients such as zinc, lactic or salicylic acid and niacinamide can help curb excessive sebum production. Gentle peelings or facial masks can also be used once a week to clarify the complexion if the skin is not too irritated.

Sudden swellingandRedness: What is Rosacea?

If swelling, redness or small cysts suddenly appear on the face, the suspicion quickly falls on acne. In fact, those dry, swollen areas around the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin are usually a sign of rosacea. The symptoms are also known as “flushing”. Butwhat is rosaceaactually? Rosacea is an inflammatory skin disease whose cause is not yet fully understood. Apparently there are various possible triggers for the symptoms. Direct sunlight, alcohol consumption, consumption of spicy foods, infections and intense physical or mental stress seem to promote an outbreak of rosacea. It is not for nothing that flushes are also considered a symptom of histamine intolerance and mast cell activation diseases. A connection to an overactive immune system and disturbances in the hormonal balance are therefore also consideredCauses of rosaceadiscussed. Apparently, microorganisms such as the hair follicle mite (Demodex folliculorum) are also possible causes. These tiny animals are found on everyone's skin. However, if they are present in excess, it can lead to skin inflammation.

The treatment of rosacea is primarily aimed at relieving the symptoms. Those affected should avoid triggers such as prolonged sunbathing, drinking alcohol and spicy food. Sometimes those affected respond positively to a low-histamine diet change. However, excessive skin care is not recommended. Washing too often can actually make symptoms worse. Instead, the skin should be treated carefully with cooling and soothing substances such as aloe vera.

Neurodermatitis and psoriasis – what helps?

Unpleasant redness also occurs with neurodermatitis (atopic dermatitis) and psoriasis. While neurodermatitis first appears in childhood, psoriasis usually only becomes apparent in advanced adulthood. Itchy rashes are typical for both skin diseases. While neurodermatitis is characterized by red, dry rashes, psoriasis appears as dry, scaly areas with a silvery sheen. The skin diseases are often treated with cortisone cream. In the long term, however, this therapy is not without side effects.

In naturopathy, these skin diseases are usually treated by changing your diet. Many of those affected react positively to eliminating milk and wheat products. In addition, the salty, cool sea climate and moderate sunbathing have a positive effect on the symptoms. The skin diseases neurodermatitis and psoriasis are now also associated with oneVitamin D Deficiencycausally linked. Internal and external treatment with evening primrose oil has also proven effective. In addition, those affected usually react positively to the cooling effect of zinc and silver washes.

With essential oilsagainstSkin fungus

Anyone who has caught a skin fungus usually has to show perseverance during treatment. People with a weakened immune system, diabetes patients and overweight people are at risk for skin fungus, but anyone else can also become infected with one of the contagious fungi. Doctors differentiate between filamentous fungi (dermatophytes) as one of the most common pathogens: yeast fungi, which can also affect the mucous membranes, and mold fungi, which usually cause problems throughout the entire organism (systemic mycosis). Traditionally, skin fungus is treated with antifungal (fungus-killing) creams and ointments. Antimycotics are also available in the form of powder, shampoo and tinctures. Sometimes internal use with tablets is also necessary.

In naturopathy, ointments with essential oils such as tea tree oil are usually prescribed, which also have an antifungal effect. Since fungi prefer a warm, humid environment, some measures must be taken to speed up the healing process and avoid reinfection. Flip flops should always be worn in swimming pools and saunas. After bathing and showering, the spaces between the toes in particular should be dried particularly carefully. After each shower, the towel should be replaced and washed at at least 60 degrees Celsius to kill the pathogens. Those affected should also wear comfortable, breathable footwear and change socks and stockings daily.

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