The authors of a recent small study concluded that colored drinks require greater effort and betterPerformance when playing sportscould enable. This is the first research of its kind to measure how the color of a sports drink can affect exercise performance. According to scientists, sweet, calorie-free, pink drinks help you exercise faster and longer. This also increases the enjoyment of running compared to consuming clear drinks during training.
How colored drinks can affect training
The influence of color on athletic performance has previously sparked interest. Researchers have found their impact on an athlete's equipment down to theEffect on testosterone levelsand muscle strength examined. Similarly, the role of color in gastronomy has attracted great interest. Previous research shows how visual cues or colors can influence subsequent taste perception when eating and drinking. The scientists chose pink because of its association with perceived sweetness and expected consumption of carbohydrates. This perception is consistent across European, Asian and American cultures, according to the study authors. Ten healthy, active male and female participants voluntarily took part in the study. They were between 27 and 33 years old and ran weekly as part of their training. The results showed that participants preferred a pink solution to a clear one. The test subjects found colored drinks to be sweeter and tastier than clear liquids.
Participants who consumed the pink drink ran 213 meters further and increased their average speed by 4.4%. They also reported feeling increased pleasure. This was an indication that they were having more fun running. Enjoyment ratings increased from 3.4 with the clear liquid to 3.8 with the pink drink. The researchers believe thatthis studycombines the art of gastronomy with performance nutrition. Adding a coloring agent to a sweetened, non-nutritive drink increased perceptions of sweetness, comfort, speed and distance.