Long life: These foods and dishes are part of the diet of centenarians


Ed Sheeran: Duet with Justin Bieber will be released tomorrow!

Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber will release a new song tomorrow, May 10th. The duet is their second collaboration; they worked together on the song “Love Yourself” four years ago. Now the time has come and Bieber fans can really look forward to it. The pop star recently announced that...

Nowadays, healthy eating is a priority for many people when it comes to living a long life. We asked ourselves which foods really keep us healthy and took a look at the diet of centenarians. The results are surprising.

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1. Adele Dunlap, who is considered the oldest resident of the USA and lived to be 114 years old, had a diet consisting primarily of cereals with nuts and fruits. She also loved martinis.

2. Agnes Fenton, who died in 2017 at the age of 112, had bacon, sausage and bread with butter for breakfast almost every day. She also loved beer and drank two to three glasses a day until her death.

3. Tao Porchon Lynch is the oldest yoga teacher in the world at 100 years old. She doesn't drink water, only tea and wine.

The oldest man in Israel reveals his diet

3. Yisrael Kristal is the oldest man in the world at 113. He survived the Holocaust and after the war opened a pastry shop in his home country of Poland. He loves herring,otherwise eats healthily.


Misao Okawa, who was considered the oldest woman in Japan at 117 until her death in 2015, loved sushi and mackerel on a bed of rice. She seasoned the rice with spicy vinegar while cooking.


Dharam Pal Singh, who claims he is 119 years old, goes jogging every day. He avoids coffee, tea, sugar, alcohol and butter. Instead, he eats seasonal fresh fruit and drinks at least one glass of milk daily.


Jeanne Calment smoked, drank a glass of red wine every day, loved sweets and always skipped breakfast. Nevertheless, she lived to be 122 years old.

There are five zones in totalin the world, where residents often live to be over 90 years old. In Italy: Sardinia, the second largest island in the Mediterranean, where people prepare their food with olive oil. The island of Okinawa in Japan, where residents eat primarily vegetables and fish. Nicoya in Costa Rica, where red meat is featured on the menu. Icaria in Greece, where people like to eat sheep cheese and the Seventh-day Adventist Free Church in California, USA.