A healthy lifestyle can significantly improve a person's skin color, according to new research. This is the result of a study by the University of St. Andrews. Research shows that a balanced and healthy lifestyle, including fitness,Stress reduction and sufficient sleep, could give a healthy appearance and better skin color.
Good reasons for a healthy lifestyle
Previous studies have linked improvements in skin color to good nutrition. However, it was not known whether skin color is a broader predictor of health beyond its association with diet. The current study focused on other aspects of a healthy lifestyle and how this positively affects skin color.
A healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables increases skin yellowness and makes skin look healthier and more attractive. The color change is due to the accumulation of colored plant pigments in the skin. These would be, for example, orange carotene from carrots and red lycopene from tomatoes. These pigments, also called carotenoids, play an important role as antioxidants. Everyday stress produces oxidative toxins that damage DNA and proteins. Antioxidants like carotenoids protect against damage by neutralizing the toxins. However, antioxidants are consumed during neutralization.
Exercise strengthens the body's systems, which can protect these carotenoids and pigments so that they can be stored in the skinin the skincan accumulate. Other aspects of health such as loss of excess body fat, reduction of psychological stress and better quality sleep, as well as longer sleep can reduce the production of oxidative toxins, thereby sparing the skin's carotenoids. Yellowing of the skin could be an indicator of a person's health by demonstrating that the body has sufficient reserves and low levels of oxidative toxins.
Study results
To continue the study, the research team examined whether a change in health changes the appearance of the skin. The researchers followed 59 students from sports clubs to measure the impact of their training on the overall complexion. Those who increased in fitness orLost body fat, showed an increase in skin discoloration. Questionnaires showed that increased psychological stress and sleep loss were also associated with a reduction in this discoloration. However, the change in skin color was not due to outdoor exercise or increased tanning. Health is not related to the change in skin lightness.
In 21 subjects, the researchers found that the change in color was visible and assessed with increased fitness. This means that other people should be able to notice the improvement in skin color as they become healthier.
“We were surprised that the changes in skin color associated with the change in health occurred quite quickly and within eight weeks. This means that any lifestyle improvement efforts will benefit appearance within a relatively short period of time.”
Given the impact of skin color on attractiveness, the research results of theStudyhelp motivate people to pursue a healthier lifestyle. Avoiding excessive calorie intake and stress, as well as good sleep habits would be a good start. In addition to eating more fruit and vegetables, all of these factors also result in attractive and healthy-looking skin.