Which diet for rosacea? Reduce facial redness with the right diet!

Copper rose, face rose, red fin: For thosechronic skin diseaseRosacea has many names. And all of these names describe an uneven complexion in which individual areas of the face are red. Numerous current research shows that an excessive immune response is to blame. Nationwide, around 5% of the population is now affected. This makes rosacea one of the most common genetic skin diseases for people over 30 years old. Treatment is carried out through a combination of dermatocosmetics, medication and diet. The right diet is particularly important for rosacea and can alleviate or effectively combat the symptoms. In today's article we will explain which foods soothe the skin and ensure an even complexion, and which have a negative effect on the complexion.

Diet for Rosacea: What are the symptoms of the skin disease?

So that you understand whythe right dietAs it is so important for rosacea, you should first know the symptoms or complaints and the causes of the chronic inflammatory skin disease. Rosacea is a disease in which the fine veins in certain areas of the face widen over time. In the beginning, symmetrical redness appears less often and then more and more often on the forehead, cheeks and sometimes also on the nose. Patients report that the affected areas of skin often itch or burn. The unpleasant feeling worsens in the winter months, as the temperature change between heated rooms and the cold air outside has a particularly negative effect on the complexion.

The symptoms are easily recognized by dermatologists, who can usually make a diagnosis based on the appearance of the skin. Depending on the severity, those affected report, among other things:

  • Dry skin, temporary redness
  • Erythema (redness that lasts between 2 and 3 months), pustules
  • Skin thickening, in individual cases and mostly in men, nasal thickening can occur.

Rosacea symptoms can be confused with other diseases

The majority of those affected begin to feel the symptoms in adulthood. Nevertheless, most people experience temporary redness during adolescence. However, these cannot initially be recognized as rosacea because the veins are still not visible. Instead, many people suspect that it is redness.

Even in adulthood, the clinical picture can under certain circumstances be associated with other diseases such as oral diseasesDermatitis, Akneor lupus can be confused. Perioral dermatitis is actually a reaction of the skin to excessive use of cosmetic products, while acne usually occurs during the school years and the skin's appearance does not change significantly. With lupus, there are usually other symptoms such as swelling or pain in the body. Those affected should therefore not resort to specific cosmetic products without a diagnosis, but should always seek advice from a doctor in advance.

The three forms of rosacea at a glance

The first redness is noticed between the ages of 30 and 50, although people with fair skin and light eyes suffer from it more often. According to statistics, there are more patients registered than patients. But that could also be because women see a doctor more oftenfor skin problemsvisit than men. There are several subtypes of rosacea, although for the majority of those affected the disease always remains at the same level of severity.

1. Glandular hyperplastic rosacea is one of the rarest forms of rosacea to be diagnosed. The connective tissue multiplies very intensively and rhinophyma develops.

2. Papulopustular rosacea is more common, in which papules and pustules are present in addition to redness.

3. Erythematous-telangiectatic rosacea is the most common. Redness and visible veins in certain areas are typical.

The possible causes of the skin disease

Like many other skin diseases, what causes rosacea remains unclear. Up to this point, researchers have been able to clearly demonstrate that the symptoms are due to excessive blood flow through the enlarged capillaries. Although theIllness often with antibioticsIf treated successfully, doctors usually rule out bacteria as a possible cause. Antibiotics are known to have an anti-inflammatory effect and are most likely therefore helpful against rosacea. Furthermore, in the majority of patients, another family member (parents, grandparents) was diagnosed with the disease. Many scientists therefore assume that the disease is genetic and can be inherited.

Other theories include an excessive immune response to hair follicle mites, which occur in larger quantities in rosacea patients than in healthy people. Other doctors suspect that increased brain temperature can promote the expansion of blood vessels.

Factors that can trigger rosacea

The cause of rosacea may still not be clear, but there is a list of possible triggers. These are actually factors that can lead to a rash or worsen existing symptoms. These include, among others:

  • Stress. Patients with rosacea should try to combat everyday stress. This is where various tricks come to the rescue. Meditation relaxes you after a long day at work, and a warm bath can also have a positive effect on your mental health. Sport can do that tooReduce stress levels. In this case, however, it is important that patients avoid constant switching between warm and cold. That means it's better to train at home in the winter months.
  • Intense sun exposure can damage the skin and make it more susceptible to mites. Doctors therefore advise against sunbathing for too long. Regular visits to tanning salons are also not recommended. In summer, the skin should be moisturized with appropriate UV protection. A sun hat can also protect the face from the sun's strong rays.
  • Avoid cosmetics that can irritate the skin. It is advisable to consult a doctor who can certainly recommend special cosmetic products for sensitive skin.

Diet for rosacea: foods that promote the symptoms

It's not just stress, sun exposure and certain cosmetic products that can have a negative impact on the complexion. There are also foods or drinks that can promote the symptoms. That's why most doctors first start with all the foods the patient should avoid. Only then will a diet plan be created.

  • Alcohol has a negative effect on the appearance of the skin because it further dilates the blood vessels. Patients suffering from rosacea should therefore avoid alcoholic beverages.
  • Warm drinks can increase body temperature and promote the expansion of facial veins. It is therefore best for those affected to avoid warm tea or coffee completely. If you can't do without coffee in the morning, you should opt for iced coffee or brew regular coffee and cool it with ice.
  • Spicy foods are an absolute no-go if you have rosacea. It is best for those affected to avoid chili peppers completely, as they have a vasodilator effect. Cayenne pepper should also only be used as a spice in small quantities. Even white pepper should be carefully added to dishes.
  • Foods containing histamine can also cause redness. These include tomatoes, for example.
  • Acidic foods can worsen the appearance of redness on the skin. Such foods include vegetables such as onions, spinach and eggplant. It's also best to avoid cola, fast food and fries.
  • Citrus fruits may make skin more sensitive to UV rays, according to a new study. This could cause the veins to expand even more. Lemons in particular are considered possible triggers.
  • Seafood can cause allergies. They also introduce high doses of iodine into the body, which can clog pores and deepen skin problems.
  • Sausages and other meat-based foods that contain preservatives.
  • Chocolate was cited as a trigger by 23% of respondents, according to a study by the American Foundation for the Treatment of Rosacea.
  • It is better to avoid dairy products such as cream, cow's milk and low-fat quark.
  • Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, eggs can be eaten once every two weeks.

Diet for rosacea: what to eat if your skin suddenly turns red?

There is no single effective diet for rosacea. For example, patients can follow the alkaline diet, a diet plan from Dr. Stephan Domenig, orientate. His book recommends an alkaline diet that consists of 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic foods. Here is an overview of the foods approved for rosacea that can ensure an even complexion. All amounts indicate the recommended daily intake.

  • 2 slices of whole grain bread, a handful of oat or buckwheat products
  • 100 g of fruit with a low sugar content. These include, for example, different types of berries such as blackberries, raspberries and strawberries. Autumn fruits such as apples and pears, avocado, apricots, peaches, watermelon.
  • 10 g baked nuts, unsalted, once every two days. Nuts promote blood circulation and can therefore worsen redness.
  • Lean fish low in omega-3 fatty acids. Examples include redfish, cod and haddock.
  • 1-2 tbsp vegetable oils to season dishes and salads.
  • Chicken once a week is allowed.
  • Dairy products such as yogurt, low-fat quark and cheese are considered harmless.
  • Coconut milk, soy milk and hemp milk are also considered safe.

Diet for rosacea: What needs to be taken into account when preparing food, as well as some simple recipes

A diet for rosacea can alleviate the symptoms and thatImprove skin appearance. But even if the food is healthy, things can go wrong during preparation. Above all, it is recommended to eat raw food as much as possible. Salads should become an inseparable part of the daily menu. When it comes to meat and fish, it is better to cook rather than fry or grill. And of course use as little fat as possible. When making sauces, mayonnaise and wine should also be avoided. Here are some examples of a healthy daily menu.


  • Muesli with seasonal fruit, coconut milk and 1-2 spoons of oat flakes
  • Sandwiches with paprika and walnut spread. Ingredients: red pepper, pressed medium-sized garlic clove, 1 tbsp ground walnuts and salt
  • Yoghurt with chia seeds and seasonal fruit and oat flakes


  • Lentil salad with cheese and seasonal vegetables
  • Fish with herbs and potato salad as a side dish
  • Chicken with rice and seasonal vegetables


  • Buckwheat spaghetti with cashews and red peppers, coconut oil and garlic
  • Chicken fillet with zucchini and cheese
  • Eggs with zucchini, garlic and spring onion – Break the eggs, dice the vegetables and add them to the eggs. Whisk everything together well and fill into muffin cups. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.

Other simple remedies that help against rosacea

Proper nutrition for rosacea is the first step towards improvement. When combined with the right medication, it can quickly end the acute phase. Other home remedies also help to prevent redness from occurring again in the next few months.

First of all, it is important to choose the right cosmetics with the help of a doctor. These include, for example, pH-neutral facial wash gels. It is also important to choose care creams so that they are quickly absorbed into the skin and do not clog the pores. There are not only care cosmetics that can improve the complexion, but also make-up for people who suffer from rosacea. This is how you can get rid of red spots on your face with the right onesColor-Correcting-Productsconceal easily.

People with rosacea should apply sunscreen daily, year-round. This is the only way to protect sensitive skin from strong sun rays and sun reflections (e.g. on snow). Sunburn should be avoided at all costs.

Drinking cold drinks with lots of ice more often every day also helps with redness. A facial massage in the morning and evening can help in some cases, especially if certain areas of the face are swollen.

A combination of several methods works best for rosacea. The more consistently therapy is carried out, the better results it will show.