Benefits of the Gymnema Sylvestre plant against diabetes and cravings

Gymnema Sylvestre is a mostly neglected plant variety, but is used in traditional natural medicineActs as a blood sugar lowerer in diabetes. The plant is also known to suppress sugar cravings. It is therefore not surprising that this is also known as “gurmar”, which means “sugar destroyer” in Hindi. Just read on to learn how this type of plant can regulate blood sugar and reduce food cravings.

Plant extract from Gymnema Sylvestre natural blood sugar lowering agent?

The ability of Gymnema Sylvestre extract to reduce sugar cravings is primarily due to its active component called gymnemic acid. Their structure is similar to that of sugar molecules. Once the substance in question lands on the tongue, it binds to sweet taste receptors and prevents sugar molecules in food from binding. This process reduces the sweet taste, helping to limit cravings and consumption of sugary foods. In one study, researchers observed how people who received the plant extract before eating had a reduced perception of sweetness. They were also more likely to consume fewer sugary calories than the control group. The study authors also believe that the acid it contains prevents the absorption of excess glucose in the small intestine. In addition, their counteraction could balance the high blood sugar levels in the bloodstream.

The study results also showed that the herb could lower blood sugar and stimulate insulin secretion from the pancreas. The plant also improved the regenerative ability of the beta cells of the pancreas. These are responsible for insulin production, although their function is generally impaired in diabetics. In addition, Gymnema Sylvestre can positively influence the ratio of good (HDL) to bad (LDL) cholesterol. This is an important predictor of heart disease.This studyalso reported a statistically significant decrease in body weight, body mass index and cholesterol levels. However, although this can be an excellent option to control sugar cravings and balance blood sugar levels, its use in diabetics requires further scientific validation and clinical studies.