Creative pursuits can improve our health, according to a new WHO report released recently. Music therapy, painting, crafts, and other artistic activities can complement medical treatments and help keep the mind and body active throughout life. Experts at the World Health Organization came to this conclusion after evaluating more than 900 published studies on the topic.
Creative activities promote concentration
Even in childhood, creative activities have a positive influence on us. Toddlers sleep longer when parents read to them before they fall asleep. Their ability to concentrate in kindergarten and school also increases. Singing increases attention and also promotes concentration.Patients with dementiaor Alzheimer's disease can therefore benefit from music therapy. Activities such as manual photography or painting reduce or even completely eliminate everyday stress. Creative workshops also help to improve social skills such as working in a team. Patients with cancer, diabetes, various neurological diseases and mental disorders were particularly positively influenced by accompanying therapy with creative activities. Creative hobbies can also help prevent depression.
Creative activities keep the brain fit as we age
The World Health Organization has divided creative pursuits into several categories. The following leisure activities keep our brain fit as we age: crafting, painting or taking photos. Dancing and singing put you in a good mood and promote concentration. Leisure activities such as organized visits to museums, exhibitions, opera and theater performances promote collaboration and social engagement. Arts can also bring different age groups in a community closer together. They improve the social integration and self-confidence of seriously ill patients.
Further information can be found inWHO reportfind