For good reason, squats are considered the best exercise for legs and buttocks. The exercise is simple, effective and very versatile. But it doesn't always have to be the classic version. Variants of the squat bring variety and new training stimuli. With a daily workout you can get the beach body you want before summer and your beach vacation: thanks to the 30 Day Squat Challenge. Everyone wants to take part and is looking for support and motivation on social networks. How does the challenge work? We will explain to you in today's article.
Muscle groups used
The most heavily used muscle groups during squats are the thigh and gluteal muscles. In addition, various muscles work in a stabilizing manner. With simple squats you train almost your entire body and at the same time improve your strength and mobility.
Does the 30 Day Squat Challenge bring anything?
The classic 30 day challenge involves doing simple squats every day and increasing the number by 5 until you reach 200 squats in a row on the 30th day. There is a total of 7 days break. The training plan in today's article brings some variety and combines 5 different squat variations.
According to the experiences of other participants, the Squat Challenge really helps. Just do it for 30 days and see for yourself. You will gradually notice that squats will become easier and easier for you.
Squat Variations for Beginners
Always do a short warm-up before your workout to mobilize your muscles. This will also help you prevent injuries.In this articleyou can check out some simple warm-up exercises for beginners. The whole thing takes about 4 minutes.
Simple squat
Stand upright, feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward or slightly turned outwards. Bend your arms at chest height to maintain balance. Bend your knees and lower your body downwards. Always keep your back straight. Hold this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position without closing your legs.
That counts for a repeat.
Squat with a narrow stance
When doing standard squats, it is usually recommended to stand about shoulder-width apart. An interesting variation is narrow squats with your feet placed directly next to each other. The weight is closer to the body's center of gravity and balance in the middle of the body is required. Because of the lower training weight, this exercise is perfect for beginners. With wider squats you can bend in a little deeper.
Execution of the exercise: Stand upright with your feet directly next to each other. Keep your arms comfortably at chest height. Begin lowering your torso by bending your knees and hips. If you can, bring your thighs parallel to the floor. Make sure the center of weight is on your heels and not on your forefoot. Then stretch your legs upwards again with pressure over your heels. Breathe out as you do this.
Squat in a narrow stance with kickback
Do a squat with a narrow foot stance. When standing up, lift your right leg and kick backwards. Tilt your upper body forward. Lower foot back to the floor in a squat position. Squat again, stand up and kick with your left foot.
Squat with side leg raises
Stand upright with your feet slightly apart and do a squat as usual. When standing up, stretch your right leg straight out to the side. Come back to starting position. Do a squat again and repeat with the left leg.
Sumo Squats
When doing sumo style squats, the legs are spread wide apart and the toes point outwards. This exercise is still known as the Plié Squat. TheInner thighsare put under greater strain with this squat variation. If you want to tone the upper part of your arms, you can also stretch your arms forward parallel to your shoulders.
Here's how to do it: Stand completely upright, feet shoulder-width apart and pointing outwards, bottom stretched slightly backwards. Now bend your knees deeper and breathe out. Return to the starting position and breathe in.
Training plan for buttocks and thighs
The squat challenge doesn't have to be boring! This training plan includes five squat variations: Basic Squat, Close Stance Squat, Close Stance Squat with Kick, Standard Squat with Sidelift, and Sumo Squats.
A set contains a certain number of repetitions. 3 sets x 5 reps of each exercise means a total of 75 reps. Short breaks of a few seconds may be taken between sets. The muscles should always be tense during the repetitions.
Tag 1:6 reps of each exercise (30)
Tag 2:10 reps of each exercise (50)
Tag 3:2 sets x 6 reps of each exercise (60)
Day 4: Break
Tag 5:3 sets x 5 reps of each exercise (75)
Tag 6:10 reps of each exercise (50)
Tag 7:2 sets x 8 reps of each exercise (80)
Day 8: Break
Tag 9:2 sets x 9 reps of each exercise (90)
Tag 10:2 sets x 6 reps of each exercise (60)
Tag 11:4 sets x 5 reps of each exercise (100)
Day 12: Break
Tag 13:3 sets x 7 reps of each exercise (105)
Tag 14:2 sets x 6 reps of each exercise (60)
Tag 15:5 sets x 5 reps of each exercise (125)
Day 16: Break
Tag 17:3 sets x 9 reps of each exercise (135)
Tag 18:3 sets x 5 reps of each exercise (75)
Tag 19:4 sets x 7 reps of each exercise (140)
Day 20: Break
Tag 21:3 sets x 10 reps of each exercise (150)
Tag 22:2 sets x 8 reps of each exercise (80)
Tag 23:4 sets x 8 reps of each exercise (160)
Day 24: Break
Tag 25:5 sets x 7 reps of each exercise (175)
Tag 26:3 sets x 6 reps of each exercise (90)
Tag 27:4 sets x 9 reps of each exercise (180)
Day 28: Break
Tag 29:3 sets x 12 reps of each exercise (180)
Tag 30:4 sets x 10 reps of each exercise (200)
After a month of training, you can move on to performing various exercises. Below we will show you some squat variations that you could include in your training program.
And what to do after the 30 day squat challenge?
Weighted exercises
Squats with dumbbells are performed like standard squats. The weights in your hands increase the training effect.
Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart by holding two dumbbells in a side grip, horizontal to the floor, just above your shoulders. The elbows point outwards. Then squat down, keeping your back straight.
Do two or three sets of 15 squats.
Golbet Squat
Goblet squats are often done to improve standard squat technique and increase hip flexibility. The center of gravity is on the front of the body. Usually this exercise is done with a kettlebell, but you can also use a dumbbell.
Hold a dumbbell in front of your chest with both hands. Get into the starting squat position. Make sure your abdominal muscles are tight throughout the entire movement and your back is straight. Go down low until your thighs are parallel to the floor. In the lowest position, your elbows should touch your knees. Pause briefly and then push yourself back to the starting position.
Do two sets of 15 repetitions.
Deep squat with dumbbells
Place your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing forward. Hold a heavy dumbbell in your hands with your arms hanging down. In this position you do a squat. Look straight ahead, this will help you keep your back in line and your upper body upright.
Do two sets of 10 reps
Squat variations without weight
The wall squat optimally trains the buttocks, leg extensions and flexors. You can also do this exercise with an exercise ball.
Lean your back against a wall. The arms are bent at the sides or hanging down the body. To check, your back lightly touches the wall. Slide down until you have reached a knee angle of around 90 degrees. Hold this position for about 20 seconds and repeat three times. Increase by 10 seconds per week.
Squats with kick forward
Do a squat as usual. After coming up, kick forward with your right leg. Now repeat the same kick with your left leg as you stand up.
Squat with stretch jump
Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart. The arms are at the sides of the body. Do a squat and lift your arms straight back. The knees are above the midfoot. Push yourself up explosively from the squat and perform a stretch jump. Arms are stretched upwards over the head. Jump up as far as you can. Ultimately, land with both legs at the same time and reach the starting position. Jump squats are primarily used to train the four-headed thigh muscle, also known as the thigh extensor.
Where to put the poor?
Where should I hold my arms to do the most effective squats?
The arm position just causes different leverage forces. Depending on whether you want to make the exercise more intensive, there are different variants. The following arm positions are welcome:
- Stretch your arms forward at chest height to maintain balance. Palms face down
- Bend your arms at chest height
- stretch your arms up over your head. The palms of the hands face the ceiling
- Take your arms behind your head, elbows pointing outwards
Last but not least, we would like to give you a few tips so that you can successfully reach the goal of the 4-week challenge.
Tip 1: Pay attention to your diet
Tips 2: Get a training calendar
Tip 3: Take before and after photos
Good luck with the Squat Challenge!