Researchers from South Korea have a connectionbetween migrainesand rheumatism diagnosed. According to the research team, the risk of developing rheumatism later in life is higher in patients with migraine than in healthy people. And vice versa: people with rheumatic diseases have an increased risk of developing migraines. Women are more at risk.
There is a bidirectional connection between migraines and rheumatism
Migraine is a neurological headache disorder whose exact cause is not yet known. A migraine attack can be easily distinguished from other headaches. Most of the time the pain only occurs on one side and the affected person is sensitive to noise and light. Patients often report nausea during long-lasting migraine attacks and severe headaches. The WHO has classified migraine as one of the most common causes of poor health and therefore a disabling disease.
Rheumatism is responsible for the majority of disabilities in the United States. Similar to migraines, rheumatic diseases can have a negative impact on quality of life and shorten life expectancy. Because rheumatism can inflame not only the joints, but also organs and body systems.
The observational study was conducted in South Korea. The scientists analyzed data from patient records collected between 2002 and 2013. Data from 31,589 patients with migraine and 9,287 patients with rheumatism were analyzed and compared with data from over 163,000 healthy people.
Previous studies have shown that the two diseases are triggered by the immune response to inflammatory processes in the body. Many doctors believe that inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain causes migraines. Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatism could trigger such inflammation. The two diseases also share the same risk factors: obesity, poor sleep quality and smoking.
The researchers therefore recommend that patients with rheumatism also be examined for migraines and vice versa. There is currently no medication that can relieve the symptoms of both diseases. But there are biologics you can take for each condition.