New research shows that the nutrients in potatoes could be an effective strategy improve deficient nutrient absorption. The results suggest that consumption of potatoes in any form (baked, boiled, mashed, in mixed dishes and fried) is associated with higher intake of several essential nutrients. The most important of these are fiber and potassium. These are two nutrients in potatoes that are very important for a healthy diet and improved nutrient supply.
How the nutrients in potatoes can meet your daily requirements
According to the study authors, the potato is a nutrient-rich vegetable that could compensate for nutrient deficiencies in the daily diet of adolescents. Given their popularity, there are ways to draw on these study results to make it easier for young people to find, cook and enjoy potatoes as part of a healthy eating pattern. Researchers collected dietary information from 16,633 nine- to 18-year-olds from 2001 to 2018. They also used a validated measure of diet quality to determine how closely participants' diets met dietary guidelines. Although the differences in values between potato consumers and non-consumers were statistically significant, there were small changes. However, intake and adequacy improved with increasing consumption for many nutrients in potatoes. Fried potatoes and potato chips are often considered less nutrient-dense foods. Additional clinical studies are needed to clarify this.
The study authors determined the usual nutrient intake using the method of a cancer research institute in the USA. They calculated diet quality after adjusting for demographic factors. This comprised 13 subcomponents, each reflecting an aspect of the dietary guidelines. Strengths of the research included the use of a large representative database (NHANES 2011-2018) and multiple covariates that eliminated potential confounding factors. The authorsthis studyHowever, they also acknowledged some limitations, namely that the cross-sectional study design is not suitable for determining causal relationships. The test subjects' recalls about their diet may also be subject to inaccurate reporting. Furthermore, residual bias may also occur when using covariates.