New research suggests that probiotic yogurt is affected by certain bacteria it containsDamage to the intestinal microbiome after antibiotic usecan prevent. The effects of the bacterial strains were able to protect against changes in the microbiome that lead to diarrhea when taking antibiotics. In addition, a multidisciplinary team of researchers identified the protective mechanisms that probiotic supplements could help improve intestinal flora.
How a probiotic yogurt affects gut health
The study found that yogurt containing the lactic acid bacteria BB-12 worked better than a placebo at maintaining the bacterial community in the colon. During the research, 42 healthy volunteers were randomly assigned to receive a daily serving size of yogurt containing BB-12. They combined this with a standard one-week treatment with the antibiotic amoxicillinclavulanate. The subjects consumed the yogurt daily for a week after they stopped taking the antibiotic. An additional 20 study participants served as a control group and consumed yogurt daily without the probiotic for two weeks while also following the same antibiotic regimen. The researchers found that a beneficial metabolite was reduced in the gut in all subjects after taking the antibiotic. However, this was significantly lower in the placebo group than in the participants who took the probiotic. The researchers are planning a follow-up study to decide when it is best to consume such probiotic yogurt.
The mass spectrometry-based approach, which detects molecules based on their molecular mass, enabled accurate and precise determination of metabolites. It also enabled the identification of several other short-chain fatty acids in patients' biological samples. The multidisciplinary approach to understanding how probiotics work to maintain a healthy microbiome is critical to advancing this field and ultimately helping patients avoid debilitating side effects of antibiotics. A big reason whythis studymay have shown positive results, the timing of probiotic administration could be the day the volunteers started the antibiotics.