Time flies so quickly: The “Harry Potter” film series made her a star, but today Emma Watson is no longer a child. The beautiful actress will soon turn 30, a milestone for young women and men. For the festive occasion, she gave an interview in which she talked about society's expectations of singles. Because yes, the talented lady has no child and no husband at thirty and explained that she simply loves her single life. Nevertheless, she sometimes feels under pressure. Singles over 30, especially women, are still viewed as suspicious, even in Hollywood. If you don't have a family and you want to achieve a lot in your career, then you suddenly get scared and feel insecure when you're 30, said the actress.
Single at 30: Emma Watson points to a social problem
Emma Watson's interview points to a societal problem: being single in your 30s and over 30 isn't easy these days. The fact that women want children and a family and men want a career should no longer be considered a social norm. People who do not have children should not be viewed with suspicion. Singles also constantly have to answer questions regarding their relationship status. They are constantly asked about their future plans. You often point to a family or try to comfort the singles with the words “It’ll be okay.” Social pressure means that many people over 30 who live alone suffer from depression or are constantly stressed and anxious. A new term has therefore become established in English-speaking countries. “Self partnered” refers to young men and women who are happily single.
We can soon see Emma Watson in the film “Little Women”. The film adaptation of the novel of the same name by the writer Louisa May Alcott will soon be in cinemas. The actress will continue to support numerous social campaigns as a UN ambassador. And whether and when she gets married is a purely private matter.