Strawberries can improve vascular health

We can consume our vascular health through daily consumptionof strawberriesimprove. At least that is what American researchers claim. Especially in patients with obesity and high cholesterol levels, the fruits can cause a lot.

Vascular health: A handful of strawberries every day is good for the heart

Previous studies have already scientifically added that the strawberries have a positive effect on the heart and circulation. In people who eat a handful of strawberries every day, the risk of a heart attack is reduced by 34 %. The fruits are rich in polyphenols, which promotes blood circulation and lowers systolic blood pressure. If you pick up the strawberries in your menu, you will feel further positive effects. Because the fruits help to lower cholesterol levels have an anti -inflammatory effect and improve the endothelial function.

During the study, the researchers divided the subjects into two groups. The participants of the two groups were overweight and had high cholesterol. During the four-week test period, the test groups of the test group took 25 g frozen strawberry powder every day. The participants in the second group did not get a strawberry powder. After the end of the test phase, the researchers carried out blood tests and found that the participants who eaten the strawberries had lower cholesterol and systolic blood pressure. They also suffered much less often from inflammation compared to the subjects from the control group. The improved blood circulation is not only important for the heart, but also for the brain.

Vascular health: You should eat that

Fruit and vegetables in strong colors (red, orange, purple) do the heart and blood vessels well. Doctors and nutritionists recommend the daily consumption of at least four handful of fruit and vegetables. If you also do exercises for at least 150 minutes a week and eat between 25 g and 35 g of oatmeal every day, you also do something for the blood vessels in the brain. A healthy stress -free lifestyle in the youth can minimize the risk of dementia in old age. That is why it is very important that you eat healthy.