New research suggests that whole grains may be healthy and beneficial for early warning signs of cardiovascular disease. The study authors also found a connection between theEating more refined grainsand worse levels of some of these risk factors. The results provide further evidence that increased whole grain consumption has health benefits.
Investigate whether whole grain products seem healthy
Early signs of cardiovascular disease include weight, blood pressure,Lipoprotein (HDL cholesterol)as well as blood sugar. The scientists relied on data from a long-term study. They found that participants who consumed small amounts of whole grains had an average 1-inch increase in their waist circumference between their 4-year assessments. In contrast, those who ate a lot of it only experienced average weight gain. This data suggests that people who eat more whole grains can maintain their blood sugar and blood pressure over time. Managing these risk factors as you age can help protect against heart disease. The presence of fiber in whole grains can have a satiating effect, and magnesium, potassium and antioxidants can help lower blood pressure. Soluble fiber in particular can have a positive effect on blood sugar spikes after a meal.
Participants who consumed the least amount of whole grains had more significant increases in systolic blood pressure and blood sugar levels than participants who consumed the largest amount of whole grains, regardless of waist circumference. A big challenge, according to the study authors, is actually getting people to switch from refined to whole grain products. However, more research is needed to fully understand the barrier to eating more whole grains. People in Western countries consume about five servings of refined grains daily, which is much more than the recommended amount. Therefore, it is important to think about ways to replace refined grains with whole grains throughout the day. For example, according to the authors,this study, a bowl of whole grain cereal should be considered instead of white bread for breakfast. Refined grain snacks, starters and side dishes can also be replaced healthily with whole grain products.