Researchers showed how excessive amounts of added sugar and too much fructose insweetened foods and drinkslead to illness. According to the study authors, such foods are usually low in fiber and essential nutrients, which can affect metabolism. In addition to the sedentary lifestyle, scientists attribute the increase in various metabolic diseases such as diabetes, fatty liver disease and heart disease to a diet high in sugar.
That's why too much fructose and added sugar in food are so unhealthy
The worrying thing about sugar is that the more consumers consume it, the more they crave it. Accordingly, this leads to a vicious cycle of excessive sugar consumption and poor health, researchers say. Refined sugar or sucrose is structurally composed of two simple forms of sugar known as glucose and fructose. Although these simple components are structurally similar to each other, they are metabolized in the body through different pathways. While excessive fructose intake has been shown to be harmful to humans, the underlying mechanisms of its metabolism and its possible role in metabolic disorders are not yet fully understood. The study authors therefore attempted to provide a comprehensive overview to understand the role of dietary fructose in the body and the pathways that regulate metabolism. In addition, the new findings could contribute to the development of new diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic strategies for metabolic diseases.
Research showed that deletion of a protein transporter called GLUT5 leads to intestinal problems such as gas and fluid retention with too much fructose. For this reason, GLUT5 is a potential risk factor for certain sugar intake-induced diseases. When fructose enters the bloodstream, the liver and kidneys keep any increase in its levels in check. Both organs are important metabolic centers in the body. Additionally, excessive fructose intake can lead to a buildup of uric acid in the blood and joints, increasing the risk of developing gout. The latter is a disease that causes severe joint pain. The researchers further explain that excessive consumption of fructose can also trigger an increase in cholesterol levels and belly fat, which increases the risk of heart disease. Overall showsthis study, how increased sugar consumption can lead to an imbalance in various metabolic pathways in the body and cause various diseases.