The design of this attractive felt baby cradle is reminiscent of a cocoon and in this way radiates a certain warmth and coziness, as you would expect from a baby cradle. What is interesting is that the designer came up with the idea of creating a bed that meets all parental requirements out of his own “necessity” after many sleepless nights. The bed should be made of natural materials and have no unnecessary bells and whistles. Nature itself served as the inspiration for the piece of furniture. This is how the cocoon-like shape was created, which is intended to do justice to and resemble the comfortable conditions in the womb.
The model is made of 100% marino wool, which has been processed into felt and forms a protective shell around the baby. The felt was again handmade by hat maker László Girardi. Like the bowl itself, the rest of the cradle is made from natural materials. This also includes the leather straps that are used to hang the piece of furniture. They are very flexible, which means that the cradle reacts to even the slightest movement of the baby, moving it throughgentle movementscalmed down and lulled back to sleep. After completion, various clinical tests were carried out on babies to check the effect of the cradle on the babies. Due to its success, other similar products are currently being designed and manufactured. Now take a look at some more detailed photos.
Design byo-object design.